オポルト・アルマセンOporto Almacen

© Oporto Almacen
Buenos Aires is a city with very nice areas, some of them are very easy to find while some others not. One of them is Nuñez, which is located in Northern part of the cityブエノスアイレスは非常に美しい地区がいくつもある都市。簡単に見つけることができる地区やできない地区など様々だが、その一つに街の北部に位置するヌニェスがある。道の途中には立派な家や緑地があり、騒々しいダウンタウンから離れ静寂な雰囲気を味わうことができる。そんな近くに素敵なオポルト・アルマセンがある。
Oporto Almacen
住所:11 de Septiembre 4152, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4703 5568
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Momoko M. On your way there you will find nice houses, green spaces anda sense of being suspended out of noisy downtown. In this neighborhood is where the wonderful Almacen Oporto is located.
In the corner of 11 de Septiembre street and Pasaje Irlanda, a very modern, austere and white building can be found. When entering, a mix of feelings will invade you: Oporto is cozy, also modern, with a taste and a feel quite avant garde. Right at the lobby, the ‘Almacen’ is waiting for the guest, offering different kinds of highly selected products: Reggianito al aceto -small pieces of Reggianito cheese soaked in aceto balsamico- , Jamón casero horneado -Home made baked ham-, or the classical Vitel Toné -Peceto meat in an anchovies creme- , just to name a few. Right next to the ‘Almacen’ , is where the tables are, overlooking to the open kitchen, where everyone is really busy, doing their best to bring fresh and delicious food to your table.
Upstairs is where the winery and the communal tables are, providing an easy way to make people gather while enjoying one of the 500 labels of Argentinian wines they offer. The menu has a few wonderful options: to start with, I will recommend picking some of the small plates of the ‘Almacen’. In addition, they bring home made bread to your table in a brown bag with a Pate made out of chicken liver and porto Fine Tawny, Simply delicious!. Then the Pumpkin with Ruccula, Buffala and caju is an unforgettable experience, but I cannot say less about the eggplant ravioli. They serve a few types of lemonades – with salvia, ginger, or sparkling-, alcoholic drinks, and Illy Cafe.
The service is kind and warm, and the space decoration is very cool. Wood is everywhere – floors, tables, shelves-, in addition to white tiles located on the first floor along with an old winery billboard, currently transformed into a funny backlight. On the top there is a charming terrace, which is about to be opened soon.
Oporto is brand new, they opened its doors in November 2013, but we can see it is already a hit. Don’t miss your chance to eat heaven food in a trendy and warm atmosphere.
Oporto Almacen
Address: 11 de Septiembre 4152, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 9:00 – 20:00
Closed on Monday
Tel: +54 11 4703 5568
Text: Celeste Najt