Yuka Kasai is a Japanese artist who garnered attention for her “Meiji Monogatari” (Tale of Meiji) which was compared to the Heiji Scroll, Heiji Monogatari Emaki (Tale of the Heiji Rebellion) after it became a topic on...
Yuka Kasai is a Japanese artist who garnered attention for her “Meiji Monogatari” (Tale of Meiji) which was compared to the Heiji Scroll, Heiji Monogatari Emaki (Tale of the Heiji Rebellion) after it became a topic on...
Some say that 2017 is an art year occurs once in 10 years because the following three big art events all happen this year: Venice Biennale that happens once every two years, Documenta which gathers attention for holdi...
"HERE MAN", a new graphic art exhibition abstracted with people motifs by the design unit "Wabisabi" based in Sapporo will be held from December 1st to 28th at Clark Gallery + SHFT. Wabisabi was formed in 1999 ...
The staffs of "MUSEUM," which is the cultural complex to promote the current creative scene in Hokkaido, pick out and recommend the latest news in monthly selected from "MUSEUM STORE" at 1st floor is a select shop of ...
Beat maker / producer “PARKGOLF” who works based on Sapporo, Hokkaido released the 2nd album “REO” in this August through “2.5D”. It got the 1st in the electronic album chart of iTunes. We interviewed with him about t...
The “Exhibition of Award-winning Works” of the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival was held from Saturday, 16th September to Thursday 28th September 2017. For this 20th exhibition more than 150 artworks selected from 4,034...
A new works exhibition, "DOOM HEADZ" by two artists from Japan and the US that has drawn a catastrophic scenery as if it is a prophecy to the near future will be held from 11th to 26th of November at the CALM &...
Using all guest rooms of the two floors in Cross Hotel Sapporo for each gallery, "Art Fair Sapporo 2017" will be held again this year on Saturday, November 25th and Sunday, November 26th. 18 galleries were announc...
Singapore: Inside Out (SG:IO) is an international cross-disciplinary showcase that introduces Singaporean creators and artists who work in various areas to the international art scene. It made its debut in 2015 in Bei...
A solo exhibition of Hiroaki Suetsugu will be held at Clark Gallery + SHIFT from November 1st to 23rd. He is creating conceptual abstract paintings and installlation works based in Hokkaido. ...
The staffs of "MUSEUM," which is the cultural complex to promote the current creative scene in Hokkaido, pick out and recommend the latest news in monthly selected from "MUSEUM STORE" at 1st floor is a select shop of ...
Design has the power to change the world. The next generation of creators who participated in the Lexus Design Award 2017 international competition received support and training from LEXUS, and one designer, out of 1,...