NIKE 公式オンラインストア



Shift was redesigned in 2007 commemorating its 10th anniversary. And now 2008, we called for public entries for the Shift Logo Design, seeking further development for next 10 years. Total 485 works gathered from 40 countries.

Here is the selected winning work and other excellent works nominated.

Selected Work

Design by Simon Sparkes

Simon is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Wales, United Kingdom. After graduating from University he spent six years working in various design studios. He decided early this year to go it alone and started up his own one-man graphic design practice called ‘K E N.’

Pursuing what he loves, working with shape, colour, typography, illustration and photography, he is inspired by all things, everywhere, and always is looking and learning.

Based on the idea of shifting and changing, each individual letter has its own characteristics, but collectively work in harmony creating their own uniqueness. They can be split up, mixed up, and moved around the space to create anarchic, fun and playful composition.

Excellent Works

Design by Yota Sasaki

Design by Yota Sasaki

Design by Simon Frison

Design by Agasuke

Design by unfolded

Design by Eirik Seu Stokkmo/ Teipu

Design by Marco Vinicio Morales Aburto

Design by Toshinori Muto

Design by Sai

Design by Mitsuru Inaba/DUD

Design by Gabriele Baldotto

Design by Wen Ling

Design by Jo Wong

Design by Tam Sin Mei (Meg Tam)

Design by Miki Rezai

Design by Lan Lan Liu

Design by UNITAG

Design by Gyula Gefin

Design by Bob Connelly

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.
Sneha Divias