HAPPENINGText: Christina Merl
A handful of industrial Austrian players are trying to find new forms of art sponsoring to promote young and talented artists. And they seem to be truly innovative in doing so: A pilot project initiated by Artware, Junge Industrie, Dorotheum and the Soravia Group seeks to support young artists in Austria and its neighbouring countries through an art auction organised in Vienna later this month.
Cristina Fiorenza, Grottole
At “Young Art Auction” pieces of art are sold to the pubilc – the money goes directly to the creative talents. “We want to create a broad platform for young artists and at the same time provide a sound financial basis for the further development of these young talents”, says Martin Ohneberg from Junge Industrie.
Wolfgang Pavlik, Ellen
The project aims at creating a mutual benefit for artists and industry: while the economy provides the necessary financial background for young and talented artists, their pieces of art are expected to inspire and promote the development of a dynamic and innovative economy in Austria and across its borders.
Irene Dapunt, Wait Another Day
The auction will take place on 25th September in Haus der Industrie, a traditional building in the heart of Vienna where the allied council was located after WW II and where the negotiations for the Austrian federal constitution took place.
Young Art Auction: A Symbiosis of Art and Industry
Date: September 18th – 25th, 2007
Open: 8:00 – 17:00
Place: Haus der Industrie
Address: 4 Schwarzenbergplatz, 1030 Vienna
Text: Christina Merl
Photos: Courtesy of Junge Industrie © the artists