HAPPENINGText: Sayaka Hirakawa
Richardo Ramos
Cat walk, like a theater play was directed by Richardo Ramos from Barcelona. Funny hair styled models walked with their flower scattered outfits. Usually models pose only a second and leave but she just stood for like half a minute and looked listlessly into the distance. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her. Flower prints, balloon skirts, the great balance between feminineness and mellowness was distinct with this wardrobe.
Alva Wilson
Personally I love Alva Wilson. Oh it is not hat sake!
We have our own idea and attitude to fashion. Originality or brand new are not the only things required. One might consider the importance of its function or comfortableness. Although, it is also true that our favorite cloth makes us feel happy and straighten our bag. Seeing these designers who tackle fashion with all their best, made me think differently about how to wear and deal with fashion. Well anyway, summertime finally comes to London. So it must be good time to start walking with something new!
SWATCH Alternative Fashion Week
Date: March 20th – 24th, 2006
Place: Spitalfields market
Address: Crispin Place Brushfield St., London E1
Text: Sayaka Hirakawa
Photos: Sayaka Hirakawa