The longest, and the most controversial subject matter documentary film “Infamy” was directed by Dag Prey. The film is about graffiti artist, their culture, and people who live around the graffiti. We see graffiti on the street everyday but most of the time we don’t know the artists or their lives. The director captures the artists’ real life for one and a half hour.
“Infamy” (Dir: Doug Pray)
“I don’t know why but it’s OK to draw a throw up on top of a tag, and it’s OK to draw a piece on top of a throw up” said Crow who is one of the artists in the film. There are rules when you draw a graffiti, and it came up from somewhere but nobody knows where. Toomer from TKO crew tells us that people think he is a gang member, though he is not. He says graffiti shows the artist’s life itself; family, his identity, and his friends. The detail about this film is on the official website with detail about the artists in the movie.
Four Seasons of Traktor: A Retrospective with Talk Show
At last, I have to write about “Four Seasons of Traktor: A Retrospective”, directed by Traktor.
Basement Jaxx “Where’s Your Head At?” (Dir:Traktor)
They also showed their entire films from their carrier, and had a talk show at this event. Traktor is a group of six directors from Sweden. They’ve been in the forefront of making dark humorous TV commercial for over ten years. Their projects have a unique reality to it. As they said at the talk show, ” tackling nonsense idea seriously” is the key to their wired realism, like the commercials for Fox Sports, or Discovery Channel.
“Workshop 2: Beyond DV- HDV, the future of filmmaking”
It’s been ten years for Resfest this year. The reason why this event has this much influence to people for ten years without loosing their identity is that people see the possibility of digital films. The great relationship between the directors, festival itself, and the audience is another reason for this event has been successful. Of course we’re curious to see how digital films will develop in the future, but also I dearly hope this event will stay in this shape,
Resfest Japan 2005
Date: November 17th – 20th, 2005
Place: Laforet Museum Harajuku
Address: 6F Laforet, 1-11-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81 (0)3 3475 0411
Text: Yasuharu Motomiya
Translation: Mai Kato
Photos: Courtesy of Resfest © the artists