HAPPENINGText: Jiro Ohashi

Cineplexx performed the alternative new-wave sound in early 80’s against the slide show of buildings, with other members who played electronic guitars. But there was a big gap between the audiences who stared at the stage sitting on chairs and the sound played on the stage, and the live performance was not enough to fill the audience with excitement.

The last performer was Panacea. The visual was the same as other performers, but he was in the center of spotlight (other performers were playing more moderately on the corner of the stage) and played drum’n’bass with brutal, radical and industrial break beats. The heavy bass line and hard core sound suddenly changed the atmosphere.

Seeing the four parts developed by short films and sound artists, there’s a monotonous boredom like experimental films and at the same time, there’s a beauty in ambient sound and minimalism. It’s a pursuit of interactivity between building (artificial thing) and electronic music, different from the ordinary entertainment as a ‘film’, but when we see those four parts all together, the impression becomes different. To be honest, I was left with several questions for each stage, but each part functioned as a constituent element of the whole work and then one film work ‘Architettura’ came to the fore. And the visual creator and the director of this film work, Iara Lee would leave an impression on audiences.

Date: September 23th, 2000
Open: 17:30 –
Place: NTT Inter Communication Center (ICC)
Address: 4F Tokyo Opera City Tower, 3-20-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Admission: 2,000 yen
Tel: +81 (0)120 144199

Text: Jiro Ohashi
Translation: Mayumi Kaneko
Photos: Jiro Ohashi

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