The “So Fun” concept however, is somewhat more personal, more cartoon orientated, yet a message that stems personally from himself. A project he can delve into or with another artist, combining his message with some other, whether in Hong Kong or from around the world Eric explains.
“So Fun is a concept of a couple. This couple is actually a model, using different variables to be fabricated onto this generic framework. It’s concept is simply-No Boundaries. No Regions. No Religion. No Race. No Social Group. No Discrimination. No Class Level. No Fixed Image. No Designated Brand. No Politics. No Time Frame. A conclusion would be ‘The World As One’, ‘A Desire for Only The Very Best’, ‘Surpassing Oneself’.”
As he is saying this, I can’t help and think of his philosophical interpretations similar to Bruce Lees’.
“So, if I play with some other artist with a different brand, identity and concept, the couple can be used as the skeleton to hold the idea together. The limit is no limit. Like how I worked with Russell’s SSUR label that represented NY, I represent Hong Kong side of it. It collaborates both aspects of the concept together, working nicely and equally for each other. With the work I will be putting into the Love Project in Atom Magazine 02, you can see that my interpretation of LOVE in these generic figures has changed in colour and styling. The story of this couple explains Love as something beyond superficial outlook. The man is a very traditional Hong Kong worker, and the woman you can see is very trendy professional, sophisticated in ways the man is not. He wears simple clothes, she goes out and buys Gucci or Prada yet they have a bonding. They have a love for each other. Even though their identities differ. They are not separate, but bond as a couple. This is the concept for “So Fun”. There are endless uses for these figures. If I were to give them names, the Love couple would simply be, ‘So’ for the male and the female ‘Fun’.”
Eric looks into the future with a different outlook. He started out with comics which he admitted was ‘ a bit confusing to me” But with his hardworking spirit and a vision to improve in his style, he is still working on many different mediums of painting, sculpting and he has succeeded very well. He hopes people will see him not just on his figure creations, even though it is trendy to most Asian kids. “The drive or message in all my work are my interpretations of Hong Kong culture”.
I asked Eric the ultimate question: If he were allowed to bring 5 things to a desert island with no hope of escape, what would it be?
“Family, My love, and Hope. That’s all there needs to be.”
Text: Calvin Ho