Animation was also featured in various short films. Japanese Tomoko Goushi’s Too Young saw a pair of lovers who expressed their love in the most unusual manner (good tips for treatment of your ex though). Stefan Gronsky’s The Box gave the audience insights to life, relationships and situations. Using the same technology as Toy Story and Star Wars Episode 1, the antics of a blob with a box that flew out of the sky drew interesting comparisons to humans.

So while we wonder and pondered on the messages of the short films, director Jason Reitman was present to answer questions and doubts about his piece of work. Questions ranged from inspiration for In God We trust to Jason revealing his initial aspiration in life, a rock star until he realised that he can’t sing. Directors Sam Hoffman and Michael Horowitz were also present on other nights to participate in the short question and answer session.

This event has inspired the Singapore Short Shorts. As the name suggests, it is the Singaporean version to the American Short Shorts. With an awaken local film industry, many young talented film makers will be vying to get their work featured in the local version which would be held next year.

Looking at how things are going, perhaps there should be Short Shorts in every country and like the Olympics, the best will gather at the International Short Shorts where the world’s leading filmmakers showcase their work!

Inspirational films allow us to see the light. Numerous thoughts race through our minds as we try to recall scenes from the films, trying to digest the explosion of ideas. So let your ideas run wild, write your script and start filming. What are you waiting for?

>American Short Shorts 2001 Singapore
Date: July 11th – 14th, 2001
Place: The Substation, Singapore
Address: 45 Armenian St, Singapore 179936
Tel: +65 6337 7535

Text: Fann ZJ

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.