ミー・コレクターズ・ルーム・ベルリンme Collectors Room Berlin

Installation view, 2010 © me Collectors Room Berlin. Photo: Bernd Borchardt
Me Collectors Room Berlin is a private museum locating at the center of Berlin, Mitte. Thomas Olbricht, who is a medical science professor, opened this new museum in 2010 to exhibit his art collectionsベルリンの中心部ミッテ区にスペースを構える個人美術館、ミー・コレクターズ・ルーム・ベルリン。医学の教授を務めるトーマス・オルブリヒトが自身の個人コレクションを展示するために2010年にオープンした新しい美術館だ。地上2階建の空間の中には、吹き抜けを利用した広大な展示室を始め、遊び心溢れる個性的なカフェ、そしてコレクションにちなんだ特徴的な商品が並ぶミュージアム・ショップなどがあり、個人美術館には十分なほどのコンテンツを持ち合わせている。
me Collectors Room Berlin
住所:Auguststraße 68, 10117 Berlin
開館時間:12:00〜18:00(カフェ 11:30〜18:30)
TEL:+49 (0)30 86 00 85-10
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi. The two-storied building has extensive exhibition spaces with an atrium, a unique and playful cafe, and a museum shop with distinctive products related to the collections. The contents are more than we expect for a private museum.
Olbricht’s wide range of collections are divided into two outlines and exhibited. One of them is called “Wunderkammer (Chamber of Curiosities)”. Wunderkammer places an emphasis on Vanitas (meaning vanity of life and death) by displaying full of artworks and objects from the 16th century. The collections include some anatomical models and skeleton models from all ages and countries, a specimen of a midget’s head and a craft object using a human skull. These collections have a diversity which is suitable for the chamber of curiosities.
In contrast to “Wunderkammer”, there are special exhibitions displaying contemporary art with the collection at the project based exhibition space. Their unique projects include the show of young asian artists who we barely not have a chance to see in Berlin and the exhibition which focuses on the themes such as “taboos” and “eroticisms”. Even in Berlin where we can see all kinds of art, the originality of this museum is outstanding. If you are getting tired of viewing masterpieces and famous works, I’ll recommend you to see the eccentric works and unique exhibitions at me Collectors Room Berlin.
me Collectors Room Berlin
Address: Auguststraße 68, 10117 Berlin
Opening Hours: 12:00-18:00 (Cafe 11:30-18:30)
Closed on Monday
Admission: 6 euro
Tel: +49 (0)30 86 00 85-10
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Fumi Nakamura