プラトーンPlatoon Berlin

© Platoon
This is Platoon, a cultural development founded in Seoul in 2009 first and recently in Berlin. Platoon is a place for contemporary creativity and subculture developmentベルリン、シェーンハウザー・アレー3番地に一際目を引く巨大な貨物コンテナがある。中ではアート、カルチャー、コミュニケーションを扱った様々なプロジェクトが展示されている。「プラトーン」と呼ばれるこの文化施設は、2009年にソウルに設立され、近年ベルリンにも設立された。
Platoon Berlin
住所:Alte Schönhauser Straße 3, 10119 Berlin
TEL:+49 30 2888 2160
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Akio Usui, here initiatives and projects are constantly pursued, promoted.
Platoon function as a recruitment center where members assist to share knowledge and build offline relationships. The flexible space can also be used for events, exhibitions, workshop, and discussion. as an icon of flexible architecture in a globalized culture, the stacked containers form a unique mobile construction that can be rebuilt and recycled anywhere.
That´s probably the most interesting thing about Platoon, that is flexible and growing constantly. Everything can happen, everything is happening.
Pay attention to the great agenda of Platoon, you can enjoy an exhibition, a concert, an interesting talk or even a flea market.
Platoon Berlin
Address: Alte Schönhauser Straße 3, 10119 Berlin
Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00
Tel: +49 30 2888 2160
Text: Celeste Najt