旧ユダヤ人女子学校Former Jewish Girls’ School

Photo: Stefan Korte
Former Jewish Girls’ school which houses some galleries has opened in February 2012. It is in Auguststrasse located in the area called Mitte. The building has a long history2012年2月、複数のギャラリーが入ったスペース「旧ユダヤ人女子学校」がオープンした。場所はベルリン中心部にあるミッテ地区のアウグスト通り。建物はその名の通り第二次世界大戦までユダヤ人女子学校として使用された歴史あるもの。しかし戦後は東ドイツの教育施設として用いられ、10年以上前に閉校となって以来、ベルリンの中心部で空き屋として残されてきたものだ。この歴史に翻弄された場所には、現代アートを取り扱う「EIGEN+ART」や「ミハエル・フックス・ギャラリー」、そして「カメラ・ワーク」といった著名なギャラリーが入居し、ベルリンでの文化の中心になろうと名乗りを上げている。
旧ユダヤ人女子学校(Ehemalige Jüdische Mädchenschule)
住所:Auguststraße 11-13, 10117 Berlin, Germany
TEL:+49 30 3300 6070
ミハエル・フックス・ギャラリー(Michael Fuchs Galerie)
TEL:+49 30 2200 2550
カメラ・ワーク・コンテンポラリー・ギャラリー(Camera Work Contemporary Gallery)
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi and had been used for a Jewish girl’s school as its name suggests until the Second World War. It remained abandoned in the middle of Mitte since it was used for education facility of East Germany and it was closed for more than 10 years ago. Some famous galleries, EIGEN + ART Lab, Michael Fuchs Galerie and Camera Work Contemporary Gallery have moved in and announced their candidacy to be a center of Berlin culture.
Today, the contemporary art museum, “KW“, private collections’ museum “me Collectors Room“, and “EIGEN + ART Lab” moved in this building in Auguststrasse located in the Mitte area. People called the area the center of art scene in Berlin. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, many galleries moved to this area looking for available spaces and energy. There were overflowing galleries in Mitte area and they secured its position on the art scene in Berlin. However, in 2000s because of the rise in rent prices and re-development plans in the neighborhood, many of the galleries have moved out to the suburbs. It took a long time since the former center of the art changed to become a history. The Mitte area is attracting much public attention again because of the opening of the Former Jewish Girls’ school. It is favorably situated in the center of Berlin’s central area, and it has a vast space. In addition, some famous galleries have moved there. This is precisely why there is such expectation to relive the art scene in the Mitte.
The word , “Art” means not only contemporary art but also it also means dietary culture here. You can have an opportunity to enjoy meals. For instance, the restaurant “Pauly Saal” produced by “Grill Royal” that is an art oriented restaurant in its first floor, welcomes guests with some dishes inspired by the golden age, 1920s to 1930s in Berlin. In addition, there are some restaurants such as “The Kosher Classroom” which serves traditional kosher- style dishes, “Mogg & Melzer Delicatessen” which is developing New York style food culture in the building. Visitors can enjoy not only the sight of it but also the sumptuous taste of the dishes served. Former Jewish Girls’ school is a must-go place for gourmet art addicts.
Former Jewish Girls’ School (Ehemalige Jüdische Mädchenschule)
Address: Auguststraße 11-13, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 3300 6070
Michael Fuchs Galerie
Open: 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +49 30 2200 2550
Camera Work Contemporary Gallery
Open: 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Open: 11:00-18:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +49 30 280 6605
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Makiko Arima