
© Blain|Southern
The British gallery, Blain|Southern, opened its doors in Berlin in April 2011. They have chosen as their location, Potsdamer Strasse, the current hot spot in the Berlin art worldイギリスのギャラリー、ブレイン・サザンは2011年の4月にベルリンに新しいスペースを立ち上げた。場所は今現在(2011年10月)ベルリン・アートシーンで最も注目を集めるポツダマー通り。付近には、この界隈の盛り上がりに合わせ移転してきたギャラリーや立ち上げられたギャラリーが軒を連ねている。
住所:Potsdamer Straße 77–87, 10785 Berlin
TEL:+49 162 2325 864
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi. Other galleries have been drawn to this popular area as well.
Blain|Southern’s exhibition space, formerly the printing hall of the Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, boasts one of the grandest spaces in the city with 15-meter high ceilings and a length measuring 40 meters. For its inaugural exhibition, the gallery featured international artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster with an architectural installation, which immediately impressed the Berlin art community.
In addition to the duo from the opening exhibit, the gallery’s roster of artists includes top names such as Wim Wenders and Bill Viola, promising to bring artist superstars to the Berlin art scene.
Blain|Southern’s founders, Harry Blain and Graham Southern are experts in the field. They established Haunch of Venison in Britain in 2002, and managed to evolve the space into a major global gallery in just a few years. The partners left Haunch of Venison in 2010, decided to set up their namesake gallery, and proceeded to bring their name to Berlin.
From their staff to their list of artists and the exhibition space itself, the gallery maintains world-class standards. With their self-presentation skills and added glitz, Blain|Southern is sure to develop into a new center for Berlin culture that will galvanize the city’s artists and other galleries.
Address: Potsdamer Straße 77–87, 10785 Berlin
Open Hours: 11:00-18:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +49 162 2325 864
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Makiko Arima