アンドレアス・ムルクディスAndreas Murkudis

Le Cabinet de Curiosités de Thomas Erber © Andreas Murkudis
There is a place in Berlin that has been gathering attention as part of the art scene. It is in south east area of central Berlin around Potsdamer Street. Many other galleries are alsoベルリンのアート・シーンで最も盛り上がっている場所がある。ベルリンの中心部の南西エリア、ポツダマー通り界隈だ。周辺には多くのギャラリーが軒を連ねている。その中心となるのは新聞社の印刷工場だった巨大な建物。広大な空間の中にはギャラリーだけでなくセレクト・ショップもスペースを構える。ギャラリーが集まる地区でそれらに負けること無く異彩を放つのは「アンドレアス・ムルクディス」。美しくデザインされた商品を取り扱うスペースだ。
Andreas Murkudis
住所:Potsdamer Strasse 81E, 10785 Berlin
TEL:+49 (0)30 6807 98306
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi rising up near there. At center of them there is a great building that used to be a printing factory of newspapers. Inside the building, there is huge space not only for a gallery, but also for a select shop. “Andreas Murkudis”, a space for fine designed goods, shines above the other galleries gathering together in this area.
Walls of the building with high ceilings are all white colored, and then it initially looks like an exhibition room. Various goods are displayed in a hall where machines once stood. The beautifully exhibited merchandise look like art work in a huge space. The goods are regularly collected through the owner’s favor. The many and varied things will surprise you, like the designer’s exclusive wardrobes, dishes, furniture, or chocolates.
Features of the shop is the exhibition coupled with an assortment of products. The exhibitions are held periodically and that brings new air to the space with existing goods. Also, customers for “Andreas Murkudis” and the audience for the exhibition can see each other beyond their respective genres. This meeting of the two produces the energy to give power to the art scene in Berlin. If you want to see and feel it for yourself, do not miss “Andreas Murkudis”.
Andreas Murkudis
Address: Potsdamer Strasse 81E, 10785 Berlin
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 20:00
Closed Sundays
Tel: +49 (0)30 6807 98306
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Eiko Kondo