バウハウス資料館Bauhaus Archive Berlin

Walter Gropius, Alex Cvijanovic und Hans Bandel, Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin 1976-78
バウハウス資料館は1976~79年で建築され、ベルリンの中心地から西にある、ティーアガルテン地区に位置する。地下鉄Uバーンのノレンドルフプラッツ駅からThe Bauhaus Archive / Museum of Design in Berlin is concerned with the research and presentation of the history and impact of the Bauhaus (1919-1933), the most important school of architecture, design, and art of the 20th centuryほど近い場所だ。
入場料は6~7ユーロで、曜日によって異なる。またミュージアムパスで入れることも可能。もし、3日間で3箇所以上のミュージアムを訪れるのなら、3日間有効のミュージアムパス「SchauLust MuseenBerlin」を買うほうが賢明である。他の特典も受けられる。ベルリンインフォメーションショップか加盟店のミュージアムにて購入できる。
Bauhaus Archive Berlin
住所:Klingelhöferstrasse 14, 10785 Berlin
TEL:+49 30 2540 020
Text: Filip De Haes
Translation: Haruka Kibata
. It is the most complete existing collection focused on the history of the school and all aspects of its work and is accessible to all. The collection is housed in a building drafted by Walter Gropius, the founder of the school.
The permanent Bauhaus exhibition as well as at least four other comprehensive exhibitions accompanied by catalogues or other publications are organised yearly together with many other activities including lectures, workshops, round-table discussions, studio exhibitions with young, experimental design in the series “present times”, exhibitions in the sculpture garden, in addition to readings, concerts for new music, and festivities in the museum halls. Indeed, the Bauhaus Archive is also a forum for actual themes from the worlds of art, architecture, and design in the new capital of Berlin.
The museum building is a late work of Walter Gropius, the founder of the Bauhaus. It was planned in 1964 for Darmstadt and was built 1976-79 in modified form in Berlin. Today, its characteristic silhouette is one of Berlin’s landmarks.
Bauhaus Archive Berlin
Address: Klingelhöferstrasse 14, 10785 Berlin
Open: 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Tuesday)
Tel: +49 30 2540 020
Text: Filip De Haes包豪斯档案馆 柏林
地址:Klingelhöferstrasse 14, 10785 Berlin
电话:+49 30 2540 020