Jun Igarashi, influenced by his grandfather's work, went on to become not only a mere architectural planner but a highly sought-after designer and lecturer in Japan and overseas, especially in Scandinavia and continen...
Jun Igarashi, influenced by his grandfather's work, went on to become not only a mere architectural planner but a highly sought-after designer and lecturer in Japan and overseas, especially in Scandinavia and continen...
Till October 24th, colette in Paris holds an exhibition "Kalen Hollomon." Exploring the constant relativity of perception and where it intersects with human awareness, Kalen Hollomon produces mixed media works wit...
"BOUSHI", Photo: Mamoru Horiguchi From October 2nd, a fashion designer ayumi mitsukane's first solo exhibition "BOUSHI" will start at Clark Gallery+SHIFT in Sapporo. She, a young designer born in Hokkaido, has be...
Till November 6th, "Shelter: Rethinking How We Live in Los Angeles" exhibition is holding at A+D Architecture and Design Museum. ...
On July 2nd 2015, makeup artist Miwonderful (Miwa Yokoyama) held the event “Makeup Restaurant” at GLOVE WITH AQUA STYLE in Sapporo, Japan, almost a year since her last event in the city. Miwonderful, who has been expa...
In the autumn of 2015, the "Preis der Nationalgalerie" will be awarded for the eighth time - to international artists under the age of 40 who live and work in Germany and who have opened new perspectives of art wi...
Hiroaki Suetsugu is an artist based in Hokkaido, vigorously showing his conceptual works in Tokyo and Sapporo. His carefully thought out and tranquil works are created after numerous experimental steps and they range ...
The staffs of "MUSEUM," which is the cultural complex to promote the current creative scene in Hokkaido, pick out and recommend the latest news in monthly selected from "MUSEUM STORE" at 1st floor is a select shop of ...
At SCAI THE BATHHOUSE in Tokyo, Bosco Sodi's solo exhibition "Rhus Verniciflua" is holding till October 10th. The exhibition entitled "Rhus Verniciflua" is the scientific name for urushi lacquer. ...
"Picasso Sculpture" exhibition will start from September 14th, 2015 at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. It is a sweeping survey of Pablo Picasso’s innovative and influential work in three dimensions. This wil...
Do you know The Adrien M / Claire B Company, which has been acting in the fields of the digital arts and performing arts? Their shows are completely different from projection mapping only projected to walls of buildin...
At CALM & PUNK GALLERY, Tokyo, Esther Kim's solo exhibition “I'm pink and blue for you” will be started from September 4th to 27th. For this exhibition, she represents about her identity with spending a teenager's...