HAPPENINGText: Eduard Prats Molner

Last chance to see Decode this week. The exhibition ends by the 11th of April, so make sure you don’t miss it because the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) showcases work of some of the best digital artists, coders and designers around; including John Maeda, Casey Reas, Golan Levin, Fabrica, Karsten Schmidt, Universal Everything, Aaron Koblin, Jonathan Harris, rAndom International, Jason Bruges Studio, Flight404 and more.


During the exhibition, the V&A hosted several workshops and activities making Decode a great event and one of the best digital art exhibitions of the year.


The exhibition focuses in Code, Interactivity and Network. Three key areas that reveal the open-source culture and the contribution of programmers in the creative arts community (Code), gestures and computer vision (Interactivity) and mobile technologies and the social networks (Network).


Designer Karsten Schmidt has been commissioned to create an open-source marketing campaign for the Decode exhibition.
The code used to create the campaign’s animation has been published on the Decode website, encouraging users to rework it and publish their results.


Decode is a playful experience (great to see kids playing around) and a visual delicacy. A highlight of some of the best works and installations in the scene at a friendly price. Don’t miss your chance if you are in London this week!


Fees: 5 GBP Adult (discounts available for students, senior citizens and families)

Pros: Spend a playful time enjoying some of the best works around

Cons: I was deeply disappointed since Golan Levin’s Opto-Isolator II was missing (I think a visitor broke it about a month ago)

Decode: Digital Design Sensations
Date: 8th December, 2009 – 11th April, 2010
Place: The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)
Address: Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 2000

Text: Eduard Prats Molner
Photos: Marijana Mitrovic

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.
Fernando Trocca