HAPPENINGText: Peta Jenkin
Girlz Klub
On Thursday night’s lineup, stand-out acts were Berlin-based Flora and Fauna visions, Czechoslovakian VJ team Clad, and live MC group Girlz Klub, who delivered a punchy set of live vocals over funky tech-house DJ set.
Mixing it up in the Foyer Bar
Friday saw bigger crowds, with some interesting presentations by Superpositioners, well-known local designers Pfadfinderei, and VJs Triple Canopy along with the dynamic tech-funk duo Funkstorung who delivered to a packed room and got the crowd grooving.
Rich and Cool
Half of Berlin took on Cafe Moskau for Saturday, the final evening of the Festival. The atmosphere was definitely in total party mode and there was no slowing down until doors shut just after 6am. Memorable VJ acts included VJ Futurfoto from Munich, who melded photographs in quick succession, VJ Anyone, and live music act Rich and Cool, playing a distinctly ‘disco-pop’ set with live vocals and keyboard guitar.
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