スタンレー・タン&アントネット・ウォンStanley Tan and Antoinette Wong

© The Little Dröm Store
Take 2 individuals with a common interest in graphics and visual representation, add in inspiration from travels and dreams of a collective space of their own and for others, and you get The Little Dröm Storeグラフィックと視覚的な表現という共通の興味を持ち、旅行から得た経験や夢の場所を、リトル・ドローム・ストアで見ることができる。そこは、元アートディレクターのスタンレー・タンとデザイナーのアントネット・ウォンによって、あふれる夢とアイディアと共に構想された場所なのだ。
The Little Dröm Store
住所:7 Ann Siang Hill, Singapore 069791
営業時間:11:00〜21:00(木曜日19:00まで, 土曜日16:00まで)
TEL:+65 6225 5541
Text: Fann ZJ
Translation: Memi Mizukami. Envisioned by former art director Stanley Tan and designer Antoinette Wong, armed with a dream and a canvas of ideas.
Share with us the inspiration behind The Little Drom Store.
Dröm actually means dream in swedish.
It started with a simple desire to ignite/remind people of their inner passion & dreams (dröm). We hope that with our selection of products, it will bring a smile onto people’s faces, be it identifying with long forgotten childhood memories, or getting tickled by our contemporary quirky and creative products.
More than just a retail store, we also hope for the little dröm store to be a platform for creative and inspirational exchanges. A place where people get reminded of their passion, it could be being inspired by the art books/zines that they’ve picked up, or to get creative with the various camera and film products that we carry. Hopefully it impacts and inspires them enough to have the determination to pursue their creative passion & dreams. We call this the dröm culture.
Tell us a little abit your work and what’s it like being an independent publisher here in Singapore.
Design, photography and art has always been our passion, even when having our full time job as designers. Our work are merely expressions of the things we love, hopefully we could share this inspiration with like-minded people.
What is your impression of the art scene in Singapore?
For recent years, we have found it to be rather conservative & plain, but lately many local independent shops and creative people from various respective disciplines have been coming out to venture and pursue their passion which is very encouraging and commendable. Initiatives and events like FARM‘s “Rojak” have been ongoing for a while now, and this brings people together. It is very heartening to see good creative people make a stand for their passion and decide to pursue them whole heartedly. Customers and tourists whom we’ve chatted with have also commented that Singapore has changed much, and that they are surprised to see more interesting shops coming up, and that Singapore culture has grown to be more vibrant and unique. Many have said that shops like these are good getaways from the usual mega shopping malls.
Where would you recommend a visitor to Singapore to see?
• Haji Lane / Bali Lane / Arab Street for the indie shops
• Little India / Mustafa / Rowell Road for intense, rich ethnic culture, and also for art galleries
• Cluny Court for culinary delights, and for a nice hideout from the busy town area
• Ann Siang area / Club Street for indie shops/bookshop
The Little Dröm Store
Address: 7 Ann Siang Hill, Singapore 069791
Open: 11:00 – 21:00 (Thursday till 19:00, Saturday till 16:00)
Tel: +65 6225 5541
Text: Fann ZJ