ヘンリック・ヴィブスコフHenrik Vibskov

© Henrik Vibskov
Henrik Vibskov graduated from Central St. Martins, University of Arts London, in 2001, ever since then he has been extremely active producingヘンリック・ヴィブスコフは、2001年にロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セントマーチンズを卒業して以来、毎年自身のコレクションを発表し、世界中で展開するなど積極的にその活動を続けている。2007年のデンマーク・デザイン協議会賞の他、2011年セーデルベリ賞、2012年デンマーク・ファッション・アワード審査員賞など数々の賞を受賞している。ヘンリック・ヴィブスコフの商品を扱う直営店は、2006年オープンのコペンハーゲンのヘンリック・ヴィブスコフ・ブティック、2008年にノルウェーのオスロにオープンしたブティックのみで、世界のいくつかの取扱店のうち、彼のコレクションをまるごと見ることができるのは、この2つのブティックなのだ。
Henrik Vibskov Boutique
住所:Krystalgade 6, Copenhagen
TEL:+45 (0)3314 6100
Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi collections every year and exhibiting around the world. He has frequently won awards such as the Danish Design Council Award 2007, the 2011 Soderberg prize and the Jury prize at the Danish Fashion Awards in 2012. It is only possible to buy clothes from his collections at a few shops around the world, the Henrik Vibskov Boutique in Copenhagen opened in 2006 and an additional boutique opened in Oslo, Norway in 2008. Out of the few shops in the world where you can buy his clothes it is only these two where you can see his unedited collections.
The shop is in the centre of Copenhagen near popular shopping streets such as Kobmagergade, and is not far from Rosenborg Palace Garden. Also nearby you can find Gallery Susanne Ottesen and Storm (designer fashion store). It is located at the corner of a typical Copenhagen building with the shop giving the appearance of being half basement level, half ground floor level, which is fairly typical of this city but also gives the shop a very welcoming appearance. Inside it is extremely nice to browse all of the items that are for sale and to chat with the very friendly members of staff.
It is really impressive how this Danish designer has built up such a great reputation in the space of just a few years, and astounding how he keeps up such a creativity pace with collections and events every year, not including his annual collections. Visiting this shop is a great opportunity to find his original designs in an adorable shop in the centre of a beautiful city.
Henrik Vibskov Boutique
Address: Krystalgade 6, Copenhagen
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Friday till 19:00, Saturday till 17:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: + 45 (0)3314 6100
Text: Mike Sullivan