ジ・アパートメントThe Apartment

© The Apartment
You will find ‘The Apartment’ in the heart of Copenhagen. It is well hidden in a pictoresque setting, on the island of Christianhavn. ‘The Apartment’ defines itself as “a liaison of 20th century furniture, contemporary art and design” コペンハーゲンの中心部に位置するジ・アパートメントも、見逃せない場所のひとつだ。美しい情景にかこまれたクリスチャンハブン島にひっそりとたたずんでいる。ジ・アパートメントは20世紀の家具、現代アートやデザインと世をつなぐ連絡口である。そのユニークなショールームと室内空間は2011年後半にオープンし、今日では最上級のギャラリー、家具・デザインショップのひとつとして知られている。18世紀のアパートメントを、ジ・アパートメントの創起人であるティナ・セイデンファデン・バスクとパーナイル・ホーンハーバーが丁寧に修復・装飾し、ギャラリー・ショップとして使用している。
The Apartment
住所:Overgaden neden Vandet 33, 2nd floor, 1414 Copenhagen K
開館時間:10:00〜16:00 (金曜日〜月曜日定休または要予約)
TEL:+45 25 37 04 02
Text: Louise Brandstrup Zastrow
Translation: Hanae Kawai. This unique showroom and interior space has been open since late 2011 and is perhaps best described as part gallery space and part furniture/design store. It is housed in an 18th century apartment carefully restored and decorated by its founders Tina Seidenfaden Busck and Pernille Hornhaver.
Both women are experienced and well connected within art and design world and ‘The Apartment’ often collaborates with major aution houses such as Sotheby’s and Christies. Tina Seidenfaden Busck is also a member of the Danish heritage silver brand Georg Jensen’s Global Innovation Group. The recognition and network of the two owners enables The Apartment to work equally with new exclusive designers and artists, but also to secure a personal and tasteful curated collection of vintage pieces.
”The Apartment offers individually designed interiors that communicate the essence of our clients’ personal preferences. We implement contemporary design and exquisite vintage pieces in private homes or commercial spaces, creating a distinct identity and a feeling of natural unity.” – Tina Seidenfaden Busck
The ever changing collection is international and exhibits designers such as Michael Anastassiades, Ilse Crawford, McCollin Bryan and Larusi rugs alongside handpicked vintage nordic furniture. The Apartment collaborates with local galleries such as V1 and showcases both local and International artists.
The atmosphere is completely unique with a strong vision, but also a very delicate and careful consideration for the beauty of natural light and the highly edited collections on display are rare and often collectors items. The services of a space like The Apartment is extremely limited in Denmark, this is the first of it’s kind and of course also caters to a special audience and wallet, but nonetheless it is an amazing space to explore and become inspired.
The Apartment
Address: Overgaden neden Vandet 33, 2nd floor, 1414 Copenhagen K
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 16:00 (Closed on Friday to Monday or by appointment)
Tel: +45 25 37 04 02
Text: Louise Brandstrup Zastrow