ラ・メルセリアLa Merceria

Photo by Celeste Najt
On the corner of Armenia and Honduras Streets there is a world to discover. Any woman walking by La Mercería (The Haberdashery) will walk inアルメニア通りとホンジュラス通りの角にあるお店に女性が次々吸い込まれていく。ラ・メルセリアに一度足を踏み入れると、そこにはおとぎ話のような世界が広がる。Tシャツ、帽子、アクセサリー、ランジェリーなど色、品質、デザインにおいてバラエティ豊かに所狭しと並べられている。陳列された製品は、それぞれ別のデザイナーが作っているのだが、店内はそれらがうまくマッチして、通りかかった人でも、おとぎ話の主人公になったような不思議な感覚を味わうことができる。テーブルにはイヤリングなどが、ハンガーにはドレスやTシャツなどがディスプレイされている。また、靴やサンダルも手頃な値段で売られており、店内はさながらジュークボックスのようで、至るところに驚きが待ち受けている。自分のためだけでなく、プレゼントとしても、気に入った製品を見つけることができるだろう。
La Merceria
住所:Armenia corner Honduras Palermo, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 4831 8558
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Kazunari Hongo. Once inside, the fairy tale or the most feminine film begins: There are T-shirts, dresses, hats, bags, accessories, lingerie, sunglasses, toiletries, etc.
Added to the variety, there is colour, quality and design. The products at La Mercería are made by different designers; however, the store is a whole rather than a combination of pieces and the products are displayed in such a way that the passer-by feels in the magical world of the heroine of a fairy tale.
On the wide tables there are earrings made of acrylicsilver or elasticized metal(from 5USD); in classic or very original motifs– there is a model recreating the flag of the USA -; plastic bracelets in geometrical shapes (9USD), sunglasses inspired in old-fashioned style(15USD). On the coat hangers there are dresses (24USD) and T-shirts (14USD) with prints in lively colours. Lace lingerie, some lingerie made of silk, with flowery or plain patterns. There is a wide variety of models of bags and handbags made of suede(from 63USD), leather (78USD), canvas (40USD), plastic (40USD); for the city, for the beach.
The variety of shoes — for the summer — is also interesting; both in plastic and leather, there are sandals in different designs, for a really affordable price (from 10USD).
Last — though this store, like a Jack-in-the-box, is always surprising us in every step of the way — the toiletries — bath salts (8USD), creams (11USD), oils (6USD)- stand out for their special flavours (lime blossom, lavender, cappuccino).
Do not miss La Mercería, where you will find products to suit your needs and to give as gifts to every woman you know.
La Merceria
Address: Armenia corner Honduras Palermo, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 4831 8558
Text: Celeste NajtLa Merceria
地址:Armenia corner Honduras Palermo, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 4831 8558