コーコーCou Cou

© Cou Cou
グラフィックデザイナーのエミルス・エリアスと広告プランナーのサンチアゴ・バローズによって設立された「COU COU(コーコー)」は、日本や欧米の手作り雑貨に影響を受けオープンしたショップEmilse Elías and Santiago Barros – graphic designer and advertising designer, respectively – are the creators of Cou Cou, a store inspired in European, Japanese and America ‘craft’ stores。手作りの温かみのあるニットや刺繍などを使用したデザインを中心に商品を制作及びセレクトして販売している。
Cou Cou
住所:1437 Thames Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
営業時間:11:00〜19:30 (土曜12:00から)
TEL:+54 11 48339392
Text: Celeste Najt. Emilse gives us her definition of the term, “a variant of author’s design, more manual or handmade, and recovering techniques like embroidery and knitting: handmade things made with a lot of love.”
The store’s colourfulness is the first thing that invites us to cross the glazed door on Thames Street to become immersed in a world of tiny things made with plenty of detail and inspiration. All the products on sale have been made by artists and designers. There is a lot to chose from: notepads, china, armchairs with unique upholstery, clothes for kids, jewellery, books, T-shirts, posters… The most popular these days are the hand-embroidered cushions in the shape of a bear, the shopping trolleys by Violraviol and some knitted cacti!
“We make cushions, pencil-cases and aprons with fabrics specially brought from Japan and Europe; we restore antique furniture and design new pieces of furniture with Scandinavian reminiscences,” Emilse says, giving us a hint of the search and care behind everyone of the objects for sale in this delightful store. Cou Cou is a simultaneously cosmopolitan and childish corner. If you are considering buying presents for your beloved ones, you will most probably find in this store what you are looking for.
Cou Cou
Address: 1437 Thames Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:30 (Saturday from 12:00)
Close on Sunday
Tel: +54 11 48339392
Text: Celeste Najt凑凑
地址:1437 Thames Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
时间:11:00-19:30 (星期六12:00从)
电话:+54 11 48339392