フンボルト・ボックスHumboldt Box

© Humboldt-Box Berlin.
Berliner Stadtschloss is now under way of reconstruction in Berlin. Stadsscholss had faced various incidents, tossed about by the raging waves of the times and been lost. It is going to be constructed at現在ベルリンではベルリン王宮の再建が進められている。王宮はベルリンで起きた様々な出来事に立ち会い、時代の荒波に翻弄され失われてしまった。再建されるのは創建当時の場所であるベルリンの中心部。今後は周りにあるベルリン大聖堂や博物館島など共に、ベルリンの顔として大きな役割を果たすことになるだろう。こうした王宮の再建に関連して忘れてはいけない施設がある。それは「フンボルト・ボックス」と呼ばれる文化施設だ。
Humboldt Box
住所:Schloßplatz 5, 10178 Berlin
TEL:+49 (0)180 5 030707
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Fuyumi Saito the center of Berlin, the same place as where it was originally built. With Berlin Cathedral and Museumsinsel (the island of museums), it will play a big roll as the face of Berlin in the near future. Regarding to this reconstruction, you can’t forget another facility. A cultural facility, “Humboldt-Box”.
“Humboldt-Box” is located next to the constructing Stadscholss. Colored with sky blue, the box-shaped building attracts people’s attention among the construction site. People can hear the explanation about reconstruction and see the exhibition about “Humboldt Forum” there.
Ethnology museum, Asian museum, Humboldt university, and Berlin central library are going to be in the facility and those will move to the Stadscholss later.
Hearing “historical reconstruction”, people may often think of the nostalgia for the past, however, “Humboldt Forum” has other meaning. It is the place where people across several fields, as you can see it from the contents of the box; university, art, museum and library. Each facility deals with not only their professional fields but also something related with other fields. People don’t have to follow usual framework. It is a new experiment exploring the possibility left between fields.
“Humboldt Box” will have this trial program till the complex is completed. For example, Asian museum shows the exhibition about the restoration of wall paintings on the Silk Road. Humboldt University has an exhibition of Oriental medicine. Some parts of these exhibition will be seen at the Stadsscholss in the future.
“Humboldt Box” also has an observation deck and people can see the proceeding reconstruction. The construction has started in 2013. “Humboldt Forum” will open in 2019. It’s a little further future story, thus this box plays the substitute for a while. If you want to know what the Berliner Stadtschloss’ new projects are, you have to visit this “Humboldt Box”.
Humboldt Box
Address: Schloßplatz 5, 10178 Berlin
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 19:00
Admission: 3 Euro
Tel: +49 (0)180 5 030707
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi