ベルリン芸術アカデミーAkademie der Künste

© ADK Stephanie Eck
Just a few steps away from the Brandenburg Tor, at Pariser Platz, a huge glass facade call our attention: the Berliner Akademie der Künste. It was founded in 1696, by Elector Frederick III of Brandenburgパリーザー広場のブランデンブルグ門からほんの数歩離れた、人目を引く巨大なガラスのファサード、それが、ベルリン芸術アカデミーだ。
ベルリン芸術アカデミーは、展示施設として、イベント会場として、また、アーティストとアートに興味のある人がアートや文化政策について話し合う場所でもある。 アカデミーの目標は、1000人以上のアーティストの在籍と、アートコレクションと図書館を拡大させる事だ。これは、20世紀の重要な学際的な目標の一つである。
Akademie der Künste
住所:Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
TEL:+49 30 200 570 / 1000
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yoko Kazama as the Prussian Academy of Arts, and is one of the oldest cultural institutes in Europe. It represents an international community of artists and currently has some 400 members in its six sections (Visual Arts, Architectural Art, Music, Literature, Performing Arts, Film and Media Art).
The Akademie der Künste is a place for exhibitions, events and a meeting place of artists and those interested in art for public debates on art and cultural policies. The Academy’s archive, containing over 1,000 artists’ estates and an extensive art collection and library, is one of the key interdisciplinary archives of 20th century art.
With its event programme, the Academy presents the public with contemporary artistic positions and is dedicated to the preservation of the cultural heritage. In its two main buildings situated in the centre of Berlin – on Pariser Platz in the Berlin-Mitte district and in Hanseatenweg in Tiergarten – the Academy holds exhibitions, organises concerts, debates, readings, prize-giving ceremonies, as well as film, theatre and dance performances. Douglas Gordon, John Cage, Miroslaw Balka, Fluxus, Sigmar POlke, are just few of the names which can give us an idea about how amazing exhibitions we can contemplate at ADK.
Contemporary and interesting exhibitions can be seen in both ADK buildings, include this venue in your Berlin itinerary and you won´t regret.
Akademie der Künste
Address: Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: +49 30-200 57-0 / -1000
Text: Celeste Najt