One of the most tasteful clubs in hamburg is the "Mojo Club". It opened up in 1991 and had several side activities like a shop, a lounging club and a record series. We met Leif Nueske, one of the founders, to ask him ...
One of the most tasteful clubs in hamburg is the "Mojo Club". It opened up in 1991 and had several side activities like a shop, a lounging club and a record series. We met Leif Nueske, one of the founders, to ask him ...
Four years ago Telse Bus founded the "Kochsalon" (cooking saloon) with two friends. The motivation to do this step, having not a lot of money in the pocket studying art at hamburgs "Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste" -...
The new currency system has been introduced in the member nations of the European Union since the 1st of January. ATMs might be the first place to obtain the Euro currencies for many people. I assume that this...
Until 1999, a branch of Guggenheim Museum, Guggenheim Soho, was located on the corner of Broadway and Prince Street in downtown New York. Sometime that year, the display windows of the museum that faced both streets ...
When Berlin was split into East and West, the Alexanderplatz was the eastern central place for shopping and and its radiotower called "Alex" is now the emblem for the dynamically evolving area of the town and B...
EcoLogic is a new exhibition about the way we use the world. It's about hopes, fears, imagination and action. It's about redesigning the way we live. It's about caring for our environment, our economy, tomorrow's chil...
Since being stuck in New York City because of the terrorist attack of the World Trade Center, this month's article comes directly from Brooklyn, New York. Having searched for several places to go out and listen to I...
Getting off the MRT (Singapore's version to the French Metro) at the Singapore EXPO is like entering a space ship. Singapore's latest extension to the ever-growing network of the MRT (construction for the new Northeas...
Here is a small set of Moscow views. Tverskaya street Kremnlin's advertising "NIVEA: Happiness Together" Manezhnaya square, low horizon Central state library Red and yellow, favorite colors ...
© Kulturhuset Kulturhuset ("Culture house" when translated) on Sergels torg square in Stockholm was designed by Peter Celsing and opened in 1974. With its central location and the architecture of the square, whic...
Today it's hard to talk about the contemporary art of the world without the artists and movements of the Chinese mainland. While the Western and Japanese art journals keep watching the large cities around the capital...
People are nostalgic creatures. I often recall the wooden shack down the street, not far from my house that use to sell snacks. While my mother reminisces on the chickens that ran under her room floorboards. Everyone ...