黄金スタジオKogane Studio

Photo: © Yasuyuki Kasagi
The Kogane Studio is a creative studio for artists, located between Kogane-cho and Hinode stations in Keikyu line. Designed by Sogabe Masashi and the Sogabe laboratory of Architecture京急線黄金町駅と日ノ出町駅の間、高架下にあるアーティストの制作スタジオ「黄金スタジオ」。初音町、黄金町、日ノ出町からなる黄金町エリアのまちづくりを目的に、黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターが運営している。曽我部昌史+神奈川大学工学部建築学科曽我部研究室が設計を担当した。
Text: Saori Hashiguchi in Engineering at Kanagawa University, it is organized by the Kogane-cho Area Management Center to develop the Kogane-cho area which consists of Hatsune-cho, Kogane-cho and Hinode-cho.
The Kogane-cho area used to be known for illicit restaurants and drugs, so the Kogane-cho Area Management Center started art projects with an aim to cleanse the local environment, and to promote town revitalization. Including the Kogane-cho Bazaar, which is held for artists to communicate with the local people, they have been creating regional development thorough the management of studios and stores, and architectural projects.
The Kogane Studio and Hinode Studio are the core centers of these projects. The Kogane Studio, with 3 groups of artists in residence, has a cafe called Shichoshitsu Sono2 (Listening Booth 2) serving light foods and drinks – it offers a place to communicate with artists in the open space. There is a unique corner, Butsu-Butsu Kokanjyo, where everybody can bring magazines or commodities unneeded but still worth using. If you find something you like there, you are allowed to take it home.
You can also bring items you don’t need anymore or have in excess from your house. The Kogane Studio, where such an easy atmosphere is flowing, has been participating in the Bookcrossing activity that encourages books to travel around the world. Mostly during the weekend live events are held at night.
Hinode Studio, the other main studio, has diverse stores such as a collaboration shop run by imported French dress boutique Sourire and Bazaar Bazaar that sells original goods from Kogane-cho Bazaar, artists’ goods, and old art books. The used bookstore Kogane-cho Art Book Bazaar, specializing in art books, is also recommended to visit. This bookstore is organized by the Gotanda Art Book Bazaar and the Kogane-cho Area Management Center.
Every second Sunday is the day of Open Studio. All studios in the Kogane-cho area are open to the public, offering guide tours and workshops by artists. With only about 5 minutes, you can get to the Kogane-cho area by train from Yokohama station. This familiar art spot is not known to many and is waiting your visit.
Kogane Studio
Address: 2-7 Kogane-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Closed on Wednesday (Cafe)
Tel: 045-261-5466
Text: Saori Hashiguchi
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki