
フィリッパ K・ストアFilippa K Store

© Filippa K

© Filippa K

When in Stockholm do shopping, everyone loves it around here. A nice alternative is you go to Söder, walking through Götgatan from Slussen. It is a pedestrian street at that partストックホルムで買い物をする時、人は皆この場所を好む。おすすめの選択肢としてはソーデルマルムへ行く道のりとしてスルッセンからヨータガタンを通ること。歩行者天国であるそこは人々が買い物やランチ、自転車などを楽しむ活発な場所。現地の人には ヨットガツバッケンと呼ばれている。歩いている途中に、現地のトップブランドが入った小さなショッピングモール、ブルーノ・ガレリアンをみつけるだろう。ガレリアはブランドが既成のコンセプトと関係の無い新しいコンセプトの製作できる場所。ブルーノ・ガレリアンのフィリッパKは どこよりも素早く最新のコンセプトに改装される。



Filippa K Store Brunogallerian
住所:Götgatan 36, 11826 Stockholm
TEL:+46 8 615 7080

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Meiko Maruyama
, a vivid area where everyone is shopping, having lunch, biking and so forth. Locals call it Götgatsbacken. In your walk eventually you will find Brunogallerian a cute shopping mall with a few of the top local brands. The galleria is an space where brands can create a new concept dissociated from their established context. So Filippa K store at Brunogallerian is the first to be refurbished in the new concept.

Generally, Filippa K have stores divided into men or women, at Bruno you will find both men’s and women’s collection. It has established a concept pioneer ambassador for the Scandinavian fashion style – clean design for modern times, so to speak.

On an interview we did with her, she defined –“ Minimalistic, clean design for modern men and women who value style, simplicity and quality rather than fast paced trends that quickly become outdated”. It is one of the most internationally acclaimed and globally expanded Swedish brands, nevertheless nothing like visiting someone at their place.

Filippa K Store Brunogallerian
Address: Götgatan 36, 11826 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00 (Saturday till 17:00, Sunday 12:00 – 17:00)
Tel: +46 8 615 7080

Text: Victor Moreno

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