ヘルシンキ・コンテンポラリーHelsinki Contemporary

© Helsinki Contemporary
Continuing the work from the Gallery Kalhama & Piippo Contemporary which had been established in 2007, Helsinki Contemporary is geared towards artists with a physical, in-depth approach to their art. It showcases art from various mediums such as2007年に設立されたギャラリー・カルハマ&ピーポ・コンテンポラリーを引継ぎ、ヘルシンキ・コンテンポラリーと名付けられたこのギャラリーは、深く追求したフィジカルなアプローチ方法を用いるアーティストのために設立された。展示作品は絵画、彫刻、写真など様々で、その活動を広めるために国際的なアートフェアやイベント、地域コミュニティーへの参加にも積極的である。
Helsinki Contemporary
住所:10 Bulevardi, 00120 Helsinki
営業時間:11:00〜17:00(木曜日19:00まで, 土・日曜日12:00-16:00)
TEL:+358 (0)9 278 5301
Text: Mike Sullivan painting, sculptures, photography, etc, and has a strong will to be active in the local community as well as enhance its reputation by attending international fairs and events.
The gallery itself is located close to the centre of Helsinki in an area well known for its art and design shops. It is in a beautiful building opposite a park, once you step inside you will find yourself in an expansive space with well lit ceilings and an interesting contrast between one wall which has been left as exposed brickwork facing white walls and floors split in some parts by columns. This gallery is well suited for presenting art from sculptures to paintings and benefits from a wide layout.
They are very active and often hold events such as artist’s talks, exhibition opening days and closely follow up on the careers of the artists who exhibit here. The exhibitions themselves tend to last 4 to 6 weeks and are focused on the work of Finnish, and sometimes Scandinavian, artists. In addition Helsinki Contemporary is deeply involved in the publication of art books.
Helsinki is a unique city for the fact that its small size makes it very easy to walk to many interesting places which aren’t far from the city centre, as such Helsinki Contemporary should be at the top of any list of galleries to drop into.
Helsinki Contemporary
Address: 10 Bulevardi, 00120 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 11:00-17:00 (Thursday till 19:00, Saturday and Sunday 12:00-16:00)
Tel: +358 (0)9 278 5301
Text: Mike Sullivan