ギャラリー・ヘイノGallery Heino

© Gallery Heino
Gallery Heino first opened in 2002 and moved to its current location in 2005, right in the centre of the famous Design District of Helsinki. The gallery director, Rauli Heino, graduated from the University of Helsinki with an MA in Art History and Sotheby2002年にオープンしたギャラリー・ヘイノは、2005年にデザイン地区のちょうど真ん中にあたる現在の場所に移転した。ギャラリー・ディレクターは、ヘルシンキ大学の美術史の修士号を取得し、その後ロンドンのサザビーズ・インスティテュート・オブ・アートにて、アートビジネスの修士号を取得。ギャラリーでは絵画、彫刻、フィルムなど様々なタイプのアートを展示しており、主に新進の、また中堅のフィンランド人現代アーティストの作品を紹介している。
Gallery Heino
住所:16-20 Uudenmaankatu, 00120 Helsinki
TEL:+358 (0)9 672 678
Text: Mike Sullivan’s Institute of Art with an MA in Art Business. The gallery displays art from different mediums such as painting, sculpture and film; it is focused on emerging and mid-career Finnish contemporary artists.
As stated it is located in the Design District on Uudenmaankatu, along this street you can also find the Miun shop, Gallery Jangva and Gallery BE19, and next door to the gallery there is one of the popular bars of the area. There are two main spaces which can be used as separate rooms or turned into one big exhibition area; this provides a very interesting perspective as the first area is long and narrow, while the second area adds to the feeling of space. The capability of separating the two rooms also allows two artists to exhibit simultaneously.
The exhibitions change every four to five weeks, previous artists who have exhibited include, but are not limited to, Markus Rissanen, Susanna Majuri and IC-98. The gallery is also very active in attending art fairs around the world and showcasing the work of Finnish artists who have exhibited at the gallery. Furthermore, frequently events are held at the gallery that allow art enthusiasts to meet artists as well as to open new exhibitions. The gallery is also very active in publishing art books.
As it is located right in the centre of Helsinki and the Design District, Gallery Heino is a place that should not be missed. As the work of many emerging Finnish artists can be seen here it is recommendable for anyone interested in seeing the future direction of Finnish contemporary art.
Gallery Heino
Address: 16-20 Uudenmaankatu, 00120 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 17:00 (Saturday, Sunday 12:00 – 16:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +358 (0)9 672 678
Text: Mike Sullivan