ギャラリー・スカルプターGalleria Sculptor

© Galleria Sculptor
Every day cruise ships arrive at Helsinki’s port and a market takes place nearby, it is a lively place always full of tourists and bargain hunters. On a road nearby, close to where the huge ships dock, there is an amazing little galleryヘルシンキ港周辺は活気にあふれる場所だ。港には毎日大型船が到着し、その近くではいつもたくさんの旅行者や買い物客で賑わう市場が開かれている。その港の近辺にある大きな船着き場の近くに、フィンランド彫刻協会が運営する小さな素晴らしいギャラリーがある。
Galleria Sculptor
住所:12 Eteläranta, 00130 Helsinki
TEL:+358 (0)9 621 6337
Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Eri Yamauchi run by the Finnish Association of Sculptors.
The members of this association all have to be sculptors and either a Finnish citizen or permanently resident in Finland, members of the association form a committee which is responsible for the exhibition programme at the Galleria Sculptor. As such, everything you can see at this beautiful space is at the forefront of Finnish art.
The gallery itself is divided into three parts, upon entering there are two large rooms which are specifically reserved for exhibitions. These normally last for at least three weeks and normally showcase the work of Finnish artists, a unique aspect of this gallery is that the front room is dominated by large windows to create a very light area, while the second room has no windows which allows art, or even projections, which are more suitable for a dark area.
The second part of the gallery consists of offices and the final area presents a number of pieces of art which are for sale. This section is quite astounding as shelf after shelf presents the best of Finnish art which is up for sale from a variety of artists. In addition, every year there is an event called Teosvalitys in Wanha Satama, an exhibition centre in Helsinki, where a wider collection of art is available for sale.
In 2010 the Association celebrated its 100th anniversary; it marked this by hosting an exhibition showing the very best of 21st century art which showed how progressive the work of their members is. For anyone arriving in Helsinki, whether by plane or ship, it is highly recommendable that they check out this great gallery.
Galleria Sculptor
Address: 12 Eteläranta, 00130 Helsinki
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 17:00 (Saturday, Sunday 12:00 – 16:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +358 (0)9 621 6337
Text: Mike Sullivan