スキー・ドバイSKI DUBAI

ドバイのショッピング名所としても人気のエミレーツ・モールに隣接する世界第三の巨大なスキードーム「スキー・ドバイ」は、まさに砂漠のど真ん中の雪山だ。ドーム内には22,500m2の雪原が広がりAside from the normal attractions in the popular Mall of the Emirates, visitors can also experience the closest thing to winter in the desert、日本に以前あった同様の屋内スキー場「ザウス」を思い起こさせる。斜面の高低差85m、幅80mとほぼ「ザウス」と同じサイズ。
Ski Dubai
住所:Mall of Emirates, Dubai
TEL:+971 4 409 4000
Text & Photo: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Ayano Yamada, in the world’s 3rd largest ski dome. The 22,500m2 of snow area under the roof reminds us of Japanese indoor ski slope in the same scale, SSAWS. The slope itself is 85 metres high and 80 metres wide, exactly the same size as SSAWS.
According to Majid Al Futtaim, owner of Mall of the Emirates, Ski Dubai was actually inspired by SSAWS during an earlier visit to Japan with his daughter. However, in contrast to the sad closure of SSAWS in 2002, Dubai’s indoor ski resort attracts roughly 2000 snow lovers every weekend.
One of the big differences is that outside of this -1 degrees Celsius ski dome, the thermometer could hit nearly 50 degree in summer. To maintain the indoor temperature, extremely efficient insulation system is applied. This covered snow hill has five runs for various levels, and the snow park has a mini bobsleigh course and several tube rides.
From boards to outfits, the entry pass for the slope covers everything. You can hit the slope without bringing any equipment. Something special about this ski resort of the Gulf is in addition to normal ski-wear, there are long black down jacket for those who want to go in the non-skiing snow park area, while keeping their national dress (a long one-piece outfit, in white for men and black for women). Entrance fee for snow park is 80 DHS, while two hours on the slope is 180 DHS.
Ski Dubai
Address: Mall of Emirates, Dubai
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 23:00 (longer opening time on weekend)
Tel: +971 4 409 4000
Text & Photo: Mamiko Kawakami迪拜滑雪
地址:Mall of Emirates, Dubai
电话:+971 4 409 4000