
ラ・プチ・ツリーハウス・カフェLa Petite Treehouse Café

© La Petite Treehouse Café

© La Petite Treehouse Café

The La Petite Treehouse Café is opened in the first children’s museums, OliOli, located in Al Quoz, in the western side of Dubai’s core and covers a vast area of 30,000 square feet spread over two floors.初めての子ども美術館「オリオリ」にオープンしたラ・プチ・ツリーハウス・カフェ。オリオリはドバイ中心部の西側、アル・クオズに位置する。建物は2階建てで、3万平方キロメートルという広大な敷地となっている。アル・クオズは主にアートギャラリーとパフォーマンススペースが集まった活気あるエリアとして知られている。




La Petite Treehouse Café
住所:1 Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE
TEL:+971 4 702 7300

Translation: Yu Fukai
The interior design was made by Sneha Divias Atelier. Sneha Divias Atelier is a multiple award winning boutique interior architecture studio based in Dubai specializing in commercial, hospitality and residential projects.

OliOlis’ primary target audience is young children of the age between 0-9 years, although some activities will appeal to older children as well. OliOli is also meant to be a rejuvenating destination for parents. Not only do they bring their kids, encourage them to have a relaxed time themselves or catch up with others in the meantime.

The cafe is specially designed to function as a space for gathering and education at the same time with the concept of a sculptural tree house as a highlight. Sneha Divias Atelier envision OliOli as an eco-friendly community hub for relevant issues such as practicing mindfulness and emphasize the importance of matters like creativity, environmental sustainability, agriculture, and so on.

La Petite Treehouse Café
Opening Hours: 9:00 – 19:00 (Thursday and Friday till 21:00)
Address: 1, Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 702 7300

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