
© Sezzam
When the ‘do-buy’ message of the emirate of Dubai leaves even the most enthusiastic of shoppers with aching feet, visitors to the Mall of the Emirates can find sanctuary in a secluded restaurant named Sezzamドバイは街の名前が「Do Buy」(ドゥ バイ) 「買い物しよう!」という意味にもなるだけあって、ドバイを代表するショッピングスポットのエミレーツ・モールはショッピング好きの足をクタクタにさせてしまうだろう。そんな人混みで溢れるモールの建物の一角にあるレストラン「セザーム」は、ほっと一息つける穴場。巨大スキードームと隣接していることでも有名なこのエミレーツ・モール、セザームは広大なスキースロープを見渡すのにもベストスポットだ。
住所:Ski Dubai, Kempinski Hotel, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai
TEL:+971 4 341 3600
http://www.kempinski.com/en/dubai/Restaurants and Bars/
Text: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Yuki Mine.
With panoramic views of the mall’s famed indoor ski slope, the 1,000-seat restaurant offers international cuisine from traditional Middle Eastern to Thai. Chefs working in the restaurant’s open kitchens – which have three themes of flame, steam and bake – offer additional entertainment to those who grow tired of watching aspiring skiers fall over.
In addition to the wide selection in the restaurant’s a la carte menu, you can even create your own burger by choosing your preferred ingredients to go with your mood. While your family or friends are enjoying skiing in minus five degrees Celsius, you can leave behind the manic hoards of shoppers and indulge yourself in a glass of wine with the best view of Ski Dubai.
If you happen to visit Dubai during the month of Ramadan (fasting month for Muslims), finding somewhere to eat lunch can be a headache owing to the ban on eating in public. Sezzam is one of the few restaurants in Dubai to get around the ban by covering the dining area with a black curtain. Inside, non-Muslims will be able to enjoy the special Ramadan buffet menu out of sight from shoppers.
Address: Next to Ski Dubai, Kempinski Hotel, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai
Opening Hours: 11:30 – 23:30
Tel: +971 4 341 3600
http://www.kempinski.com/en/dubai/Restaurants and Bars/
Text: Mamiko Kawakami
地址:Ski Dubai, Kempinski Hotel, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai
开放时间:11:30 – 23:30
电话:+971 4 341 3600
http://www.kempinski.com/en/dubai/Restaurants and Bars/