
© Thomas Riese, 2009
A city called Leipzig is about 120 kilometers southwest of the German capital, Berlin. It is renowned as a capitol of music thanks to a composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, who was once active in the area. However, the city recently started toベルリンから南西に120キロ離れたところにある都市ライプツィヒ。この街は作曲家ヨハン・セバスティアン・バッハが活動したことから音楽の都として名高い。しかし近年になって美術の世界でも多くの注目を集めるようになってきた。その理由に挙げられるのは「シュピネライ」と呼ばれるかつての工場。広大な敷地に並ぶ建物には多くのアーティストがアトリエを構え、ギャラリーが集まり、美術の複合施設となっている。
「新ライプツィヒ派」の世界的な活躍と共に、その活動拠点である「シュピネライ」には美術に関わる施設が集まっていく。例えばネオ・ラオホを取り扱うギャラリーの「Eigen+Art」。展示スペースとして使われる「WERKSCHAU」や、非営利の財団の下で展示やイベントを行う「HALLE 14」など。現在では多くのギャラリーや美術組織が「シュピネライ」にスペースを構え、世界的な注目が集まる重要な美術施設となっている。
住所:Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig, Germany
TEL:+49 (0)34 1498 0200
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi cement its important position in the art world as well. One of the reasons is‘ Spinnerei’ where used to be a factory area. Inside of buildings which lined up in the vast space is a compound art facility includes artists work studios and galleries.
‘Spinnerei’ is located a district slightly west of central Leipzig, a suburban industrial area with factories putting their eaves together. ‘Spinnerei’ means ‘spinning mill’ in German, which is exactly what their location used to be. Founded at the end of the nineteenth century, it was called Europe’s greatest spinning mill during the early twentieth century golden age. This mill was retired in 1993. What left were grounds spanning more than 90,000 m2 and an old-fashioned building rich with history.
It was in the mid-1990s when this space started to be used as a cultural purpose. Many artists started having their own work studios inside of old factory buildings. This was the beginning. The artists belong to ‘New Leipzig group’ who focuses on the traditions of painting started creating art in Spinnerei. Starting with Neo Rauch who is called as an artist representative of Germany, art pieces by ‘New Leipzig group’ started to appear at exhibits all over the world. Then, the art movement born in Leipzig started to expand to the rest of the world.
Along with‘ New Leipzig group’ being active internationally, art-related facilities have gathered to the headquarter, ‘Spinnerei.’ The facilities include a gallery ‘Eigen + Art’ which carries art pieces by Neo Rauch, a exhibit space ‘ WARKSCHAU’ and ‘HALLE 14,’ a non-profit foundation hosting exhibits and events. Currently, many galleries and art foundations have their space in ‘Spinnerei’ and collect many attentions as an important art facility from all over the word.
The combination of buildings of spinning mill with the heavy value of history , bohemian atmosphere created by many artists and galleries and exhibit spaces where people can see art by top-class artists is what ‘Spinnerei’ can attract art fans. This is a place to visit if people have a chance to be in Leipzig.
Address: Spinnereistraße 7, 04179 Leipzig, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)34 1498 0200
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Yumico Miyagawa