カラー・ベルリンKolor Berlin

© kolor
In the Berlin area of Prenzlauer Berg you will be often bumping into appealing shops, one example can be the store located on the corner of Kopenhagener Str. and Sonnenburger str. “kolor” isいくつもの魅力的なショップに出会えるベルリンのプレンツラウアー・ベルク地区。コペンハーゲナー通りとゾネンベルク通りの角にある「カラー」は文字通り、色彩を特徴とした印象的なデザインショップだ。
Kolor Berlin
住所:Kopenhagener Str. 64, D -10437 Berlin
TEL:+49 (0)30 2318 0146
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi a very striking design shop in which color is the main character.
The project belongs to Tatjana Reimann and Uli Meyer. Tatjana studied architecture in Düsseldorf and European Urban Studies at Bauhaus Unversity in Weimar, while Uli studied architecture and interior design in Düsseldorf, this is a clear explanation about where the good taste and wit you see at their products are coming from.
“We have chosen the name kolor because it means diversity and variety, two words that also best describe our work.” – they say.
They started working together with several interior projects but after a while they started to concentrate more and more on their design products.
Among the products they have there are some highlights you don’t want to miss.
The Ceiling rose lamp, a one-of-a-kind lamp that comes in fluo tones and it is made of a decorative cover made of colored cardboard conceals, electrical cables and lustre terminals. A lovely item is the z-shelf , which measures 40 x 10 cm. and is made of folded steel with a neon yellow powder coating. It can be used for many different purposes – in the kitchen, bathroom or children’s room-, it’s functional and also a colorful highlighter. Another great design it’s the very smart desk that doesn’t need table legs –Built-in desk– which was inspired by Le Corbusier’s window sills in his Villa Savoye.
Tatjana and Uli are always checking new materials and developing new ideas what makes the design label and store both lively and interesting.
“Our work includes graphic design through our BerlinerLuft series, the design and development of everyday objects, furniture in small series and interior design. We believe that, small or large, all items are important and don’t like to limit ourselves by size or theme. Most of our ideas focus on optimizing products that already exist; things we like and need but which require improvement in form or function. Our principles are to create products that are functional at their core, simple and durable, preferably organic, always produced in Germany and when possible in our local region.”
If you are in Berlin, don’t hesitate in taking a stroll around Prenzlauer Berg to acquire a kolor-full and smart object for your house.
Kolor Berlin
Address: Kopenhagener Str. 64, D -10437 Berlin
Opening Hours: 15:00-19:00 (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays)
Tel: +49 (0)30 2318 0146
Text: Celeste Najt