

© Morihiko DxM

© Morihiko DxM

DxM is a quiet coffeehouse on the east side of Sapporo. Rolling back the heavy steel door to DxM feels a bit like stepping into an old farm warehouse札幌市・中央区の東側の外れにひっそりと佇むカフェ「D×M」。倉庫が立並ぶ地区の一角にあり、そのお店の鉄製の扉を開けると、年代物の薪ストーブに出迎えられる。工業的なライトが天井から吊るされ、ショーケースの奥には巨大な焙煎機がある。



営業時間:11:00〜22:30(LO 22:00)

Text: Kelly Britton
Translation: Julie Morikawa
. You are met by an ancient woodstove and industrial lighting strung from oversize claws overhead. Behind a pane of glass, a giant roasting machine awaits coffee beans for production.

Peruse the wall-high chalkboard, cleverly sketched with the café’s offerings: ten outstanding house-roasted varieties of coffee, French-pressed teas and, best of all, a selection of homemade doughnuts available all day. The doughnuts here are both authentic and avant-garde. The melt-in-your mouth texture of a classic American doughnut brought to you in unexpected, refined flavors like rum-raisin, currant, and green tea.

In a place so clearly dedicated to its craft, you ascend the iron staircase not entirely sure what you’ll find in the loft above. And yet here is something unexpectedly warm: smooth thick-hewn wooden tables set under glowing lamplight. Tucked into a quiet backstreet, at DxM you can relax with a perfect cup of coffee and a doughnut, and while away the afternoon.

Address: 356, North 3 East 6, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 11:00-22:30 (LO 22:00)
Tel: 011-211-0034

Text: Kelly Britton

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