
Photo: Yoshisato Komaki
As disseminating the latest creative culture born in Hokkaido, “MUSEUM“, which is the cultural complex to promote the current creative scene in Hokkaido北海道で生まれる最新のクリエイティブカルチャー発信拠点として2014年6月に、札幌の創成川イーストにオープンしたのが、文化複合施設「ミュージアム」だ。歴史ある外壁は札幌軟石で、木造3階建ての内部にショップ、ギャラリー、アトリエ、オフィスを併設する店舗設計は、国際的に評価の高い北海道を拠点に活動する若手建築家・五十嵐淳氏に依頼。全体の監修をSHIFTが行った。
2階はこの度の創立に伴い、札幌円山より移転オープンした「クラークギャラリー+SHIFT」。 クラーク画廊から引き継いだ1970〜80年代の版画コレクションを所蔵し、また、北海道唯一の現代アートのコマーシャルギャラリーとして、所属アーティストのマネージメントやプロモーションを行っている。ギャラリースペースでは主に現代アートの企画展を月替わりで開催していく。
Text: Ayumi Yakura, is opened in a renovated Taisho era (1912 – 1926) building in Sapporo on June 2014. The outer wall of historic is made by Sapporo freestone.Jun Igarshi, an internationally acclaimed and young architect based in Hokkaido, has the store design about the shop, gallery, atelier and office in the three-story wooden building. SHIFT has done the whole direction.
“MUSEUM STORE” at 1st floor is a select shop of lifestyle design focused on fashion. The selection of goods “Souvenir Hokkaido” attached to “MUSEUM STORE” deals in products can be purchased at less than 10,000 yen (100 dollars), for example artworks, CDs and books by Hokkaido artists. It’s the best suited that tourists buy for in memories, souvenirs and presents.
At 2nd floor, “Clark gallery + SHIFT” moved from Maruyama in Sapporo opened, with foundation of “MUSEUM.” It houses the print collection of 1970 – 80’s took over from Clark Gallery and promotes and manages artists as the only one commercial gallery of contemporary art in Hokkaido. Mainly the exhibition of contemporary art will be held at the gallery in monthly.
And it’s our online magazine SHIFT’s new home, the 20th anniversary and 24K’s atelier and showroom is at the next to SHIFT’s office, you could see the process of production about bags made by Ezo deer leather. In April 2015, MUSEUM established a new label in Sapporo, collaborating with sambafree.inc, a music production company.
Address: 6, South 3, East 2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Tel: 011-596-7752
Text: Ayumi Yakura
Translation: Aya Shomura