500m美術館500m Museum

© 500m Museum
“500m Museum” is an art gallery located in the underground concourse between Odori station and Bus center station in Sapporo. It was temporary exhibited as a part of the “Sapporo Art Stage” program in 2006札幌市営地下鉄大通駅とバスセンター前駅を結ぶ地下コンコースに設置されたアートギャラリー「500m美術館」。2006年に「さっぽろアートステージ」美術部門の一環として期間限定で開催され、2011年に常設ギャラリーとして新たに開設された。
Text: Hanae Watanabe, and now it has been opened as a permanent gallery.
“500m Museum” is the longest gallery inside a station in Japan. 500-meter-long walls are the place for the artists within as well as outside of Hokkaido to be introduced.
There is a strong point in having exhibitions in a public space, because it can make it easier for people to meet and appreciate art. It matches the aim of this museum; to bridge people and art. We hope this series of quality exhibitions will contribute to cultivation of art culture.
500m Museum
Address: In the underground concourse between the subway station “Odori” and “Bus center-mae”
Opening Hours: 7:00-22:30
Tel: 011-211-2314 (Ministry of Culture in charge of International Art Exhibitions Department, Sapporo)
Text: Hanae Watanabe
Translation: Sayaka Ito