
ペース・ギャラリー・ロンドンPace Gallery London

Installation view of Rothko/Sugimoto: Dark Paintings and Seascapes. Pace London, 2012. Photo Courtesy Pace London © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko / Artist Rights Society, New York (ARS) Courtesy Pace Gallery © Hiroshi Sugimoto, Courtesy Pace Gallery

Installation view of Rothko/Sugimoto: Dark Paintings and Seascapes. Pace London, 2012. Photo Courtesy Pace London © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko / Artist Rights Society, New York (ARS) Courtesy Pace Gallery © Hiroshi Sugimoto, Courtesy Pace Gallery

Pace is a well known American gallery that first opened in 1960 in Boston and which has since expanded worldwide to include galleries in Beijing and London. Originally Pace’s presence in London was limited to a temporary location butペース・ギャラリーは、1960年、最初にボストンでオープンして以来、北京とロンドンを含め世界的に拡大している有名なアメリカのギャラリーだ。もともとロンドンでのペース・ギャラリーのオープンは一時的なものとされていたが、2012年6月に、改装と同時にペースを含むギャラリーが王立芸術院(ロイヤル・アカデミー・オブ・アーツ)の西館を占めることが発表され、実際に2012年9月にオープンした。近くのグラフトン・ストリートのデイヴィッド・ツヴィルナー・ギャラリーの開設に伴い、これらギャラリーは、イギリスの美術愛好家にとって刺激的な時間を提供することとなった。これは、王立芸術院とペースが、新しい才能の展示スペースを作り出すというとても素晴らしいアイディアである。


ギャラリーへの入場は無料で、絵画やその他の彫刻、写真などの展覧会が通常約4〜7週間の期間で開催される。20世紀と21世紀に遡る多くの重要なアーティストとそのコレクションの展示は、美術の世界に重要な影響を与え続け、 50年以上にわたり、何百もの作品の舞台としてたくさんの新しい才能を世に送り出している。

Pace Gallery London
住所:6 Burlington Gardens, London W1S 3ET
TEL:+44 (0)20 3206 7600

Text: Michael Sullivan
in June 2012 it was announced that they would occupy the west wing of the Royal Academy of Arts’ building and after renovation it opened in September 2012. Along with the opening of the David Zwirner gallery in nearby Grafton Street, these galleries represent an exciting time for art enthusiasts in the UK. It is a pleasing notion that now side by side the Royal Academy and Pace have dedicated exhibition space for new talent.

Their new location at 6 Burlington Gardens benefits from a very large size, the room is wide and the ceilings are very high. Besides a small reception area the actual gallery space consists of one big room which has a dividing wall for the last one third of the available area. It is free to enter either from the reception door which is next to the street entrance for the Royal Academy and also via another door into the gallery exhibition room which leads again back to the street entrance. The tall white walls create a welcoming place for paintings of any size, while the amount of free space is sufficient for any other kind of art such as sculptures. For anyone making a visit to the Royal Academy should definitely include this gallery within their itinerary; however with the exciting exhibitions that are being planned it is a location to visit in its own right.

Entry into the gallery is free and exhibitions tend to last around four to seven weeks and while many exhibitions are of paintings, other exhibitions include the medium of sculptures and photography. The gallery benefits from representing many important artists and their collections dating from the 20th and 21st centuries and prides itself on being a constant and vital influence in the art world. For over 50 years it has staged hundreds of exhibitions and introduced many new artists to the public.

Pace Gallery London
Address: 6 Burlington Gardens, London W1S 3ET
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +44 (0)20 3206 7600
Free admission

Text: Michael Sullivan

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