

© Rikyuan

Since its establishment in 1947, the soba shop “Rikyuan” has been faithfully serving soba noodles while pursuing the perfect soba taste. For their soba powder, Rikyuan relies on Tokachi soba昭和22年の創業から一貫してこだわりの味を追求し続けている横浜・関内にある老舗蕎麦屋「利久庵」。そば粉は風味、味、のどごしから見て最高の十勝蕎麦を使用している



住所:横浜市中区真砂町2-17 利久ビル

Text: Saori Hashiguchi
, which is unsurpassed in its aroma, flavor, and nodogoshi or the texture and condition of the noodles when you slurp it down with broth.

They are especially careful with the noodle-making process and their broth. Rikyuan meticulously carries on the traditional method of mixing soba powder in a large wooden bowl, which is the most important step in the soba-making practice. For its broth, a high grade seaweed called Rijiri konbu, dried and fermented tuna shavings called Souda-katsuo and Tosa-bushi, and the aromatic Hana-katsuo tuna shavings are used. The broth is combined with naturally brewed soy sauce, and the soup is laid for 3 days for maturation. This results in an exquisite soba broth with a hint of sweetness.

The “Tsuke-ten,” or lightly fried tempura with soba and broth is a popular menu item. Other favorites include the “Hiyashi age koromo” with plenty of vegetables, and a variety of other choices from the cold noodle menu. The 1st floor offers table seats, and the 2nd floor is for large parties and kaiseki courses served in the traditional tatami-mat settings. They also have a selection of tsumami side dishes and a cha-kaiseki menu, traditionally served in tea ceremonies.

Address: 2-17 Masago-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:30 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: 045-641-3035

Text: Saori Hashiguchi
Translation: Makiko Arima

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