インサギャラリーINSA Garelly

Photo: Yurie Hatano
インサギャラリーは1994年3月にソウルの代表的なアート地区、仁寺洞(インサドン)の中心地に設立。世界中の若いアーティスト達の現代アートを、国内外の多くのアートフェアに紹介している。Insa gallery was inaugurated in March.1994 in the center of insadong. which is the representational art region in Seoul. We hava been estabished ourselves to introduce contemporary art of major and young artists worldwide to public with many art fairs in Korea and aboard.
INSA Garelly
住所:29-23 Gwanhoon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-300
TEL:+82 2 735 2655
http://www.insagallery.netWe have been getting art cllector’s reputation from exhibitions of major artists such as Whanki Kim’s “Work on Paper”. Nam Kwan vs. Wook Kyung Choi and Chicago’s pop artist Ed Paschke etc. With the renovation of 1st. 2nd. and 3rd exhibition hall in 2007. With our systemic infrastructure. We are trying our best to provide places for mutual communication between public and contemporary art with more substantial exhibitions and projects.
INSA Garelly
Address: 29-23 Gwanhoon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-300
Open: 10:00-18:30 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +82 2 735 2655