ガナ・インサ・アート・センターGana Insa Art Center

© Gana Insa Art Center
Gana Insa Art Center is rental gallery which located in Insa-dong and also being loaned to the artists who are hoping to showcase their works in the center after reviewing them.多くの旅行者で賑わう仁寺洞(インサドン)通りからほど近い場所に位置するガナ・インサ・アート・センター。仁寺洞は、伝統文化と最新文化が混じり合う、若者に人気のエリア。韓国のあらゆるデザインやアートを探すにも最適な場所だ。
Gana Insa Art Centre
住所:ソウル市 鍾路区(チョンノグ)寛勳洞(クァンフンドン)188
TEL:+82 2 736 1020
Insa-dong has become a place of the feast of culture and art which can provide an opportunity to ruminate on high levels of modern fine arts, and on the taste and depths of cultures as a mecca for a high quality art and culture harboring our inherent traditional culture.
Insa-dong is an essential part of a cluster of culture and tourism and, with its cultural characteristics of Korean traditional culture and high quality art & culture coexisting, it has formed a refined cultural district, and now is emerging as a tourist district for foreigners as well as for the Korean citizens.
Gana Insa Art Center
Address: 188 Kwanhoon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Opening hours: 10:00 – 19:00
Tel: +82 2 736 1020