苔の洞門Koke no Domon

Photo Courtesy of Chitose City / CC BY-SA 2.1
Koke no Domon is mossy corridor region created by lava and mountain runoff with eructation of Tarumae It is 10 meter depth and 420 meter long苔の洞門は、樽前山が噴火したときに流れ出た溶岩が沢水等により浸食されてできた回廊状の地形で、その岩肌に約30種の苔が密生している。2001年の6月に岩盤の一部が崩落し、洞門内に入ることができなくなったため、現在は入口付近に観覧台を設置して開放している(洞門内部に入ることはできない)。開放期間は6月上旬から10月下旬。
営業期間:6~10月 9:00~16:00
問合わせ:千歳市役所観光振興課(0123-24-0366). Mt. There are 30 different types of moss alive. It is rare situation and takes long time to grow this many type in one place.
Unfortunately, part of cave broke and fell in 2001, so only entrance is opened for public between July to October.
It is located in 13 kilo meter west of route 236 from Shikotsu lake hot-spring resort. It is miracle of nature to born this mossy corridor region. The bare rock looks like beautiful moss green velvet.
It takes 20 min trekking to get to the entrance from parking lot, so waring boots or sneakers are recommended.
Koke no Domon (Cave of moss)
Address: Lake Shikotsu, Chitose
Open: June – October 9:00-16:00
Tel: 0123-24-0366 (City of Chitose)
Translation: Hiro Anan苔的洞门
期间:6-10月 9:00-16:00