JRタワー・スクエアJR Tower Square

© JR Tower
「JRタワースクエア」は駅であり、展望台であり、アートギャラリーであり、ショピング施設でもある。地下鉄、JR、バスの駅に直通する北海道の移動の中心として、毎日多くの人々が利用JR Tower Square is a station, observation deck, art gallery and shopping complex. Led directly to the subway and railway station and bus stop, it works as a heart of traveling of Hokkaidoしている。また、札幌最大のショッピングエリアであり、映画館やレストラン、カフェ、スパなどの施設もある、エンターテイメントコンプレックスとなっている。
JRタワーは、札幌で最も高い建築物(2009年7月現在)であり、その最上階、38階には札幌を一望できる「JRタワー展望室 T38」がある。フロア全体が展望台となっているので、360°のパノラマが楽しめる。地上160mから見下ろす眺めは札幌で最も贅沢な景色のひとつだろう。石狩湾や札幌周辺の山々も観ることができる。また、JRタワーは街の中心に位置しているので夜景も美しい。光り輝くテレビ塔や「ノリア」などがそれをさらにより引き立てている。
Text: Ayano Yamada. Also it is a entertainment complex which has the biggest shopping complex in Sapporo, a movie theater, restaurants, cafes and spas.
JR Tower is the highest architecture in Sapporo (July, 2009) with 38 stories. The top floor is JR Tower Observatory T38, that provides 360 degree panorama of the city from the height of 160m. The view including Ishikari Bay and mountains around Sapporo is one of the greatest scenes in this area. Since the tower is located in the downtown, the night view is also excellent. Neon lights of the Sapporo TV Tower and Noria make it more amazing.
The most remarkable point of the tower is its public art. Lots of works like pictures, sculptures, reliefs, lights, art objects and chairs are seen on the concourses, in the shopping complex, observation deck, open air and even at the parking area. Now they are a part of citizens’ lives. The number of them is over 70. The artists are varies from famous artists to new artists and citizens.
At the central entrance on the first floor, we can see Myomu (photo), a white marble sculpture made by Kan Yasuda. He is a world famous sculptor from Bibai, Hokkaido. Its smooth form is really cool. It is well-known as a meeting spot.
Other Yasuda’s works are seen in many places in Sapporo such as Nakajima Park and Hokkaido Museum Of Modern Art. Arte Piazza Bibai, a sculpture park in his home town, shows about 40 of them as a permanent exhibition.
Art Box is placed on the west concourse with the aim of bringing up new artists. This is a space to exhibit works of individuals or groups living in Hokkaido.
Sapporo Artpark Sculpture Garden, Hokkaido Museum Of Modern Art, Ishiyama Ryokuchi and Sapporo Dome Artgrove are also famous for public art in Sapporo.
JR Tower Square
Address: North 5 West 2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Text: Ayano YamadaJR塔广场