モダン・サウンドModern Sound

© Modern Sound
ブラジルの音楽好きは、モダン・サウンドにいったん入ったらなかなか出て来ない。そのブラジルで最も大きなお店はBrazilian music fans may walk into Modern Sound and never come out. What could be the country’s largest music store is located on a busy avenue in a residential part of Copacabana, a 15-minute walk from the beach.、ビーチから15分、コパカバナの住宅地の賑やかな通りにある。このお店、ただのレコード屋ではない。バーにもなるし、ライブ会場にもなる。音楽漬けの午後を過ごすのには最適な場所だ。
Modern Sound
住所:Rua Barata Ribeiro, 502 – D Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
時間:月〜金 9:00〜21:00/土曜 9:00〜20:00
TEL:+55 21 2548 5005
Text: Patrick Burns
Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu But it is more than just a music store—it’s also a bar and live music venue, and the perfect place to spend an afternoon immersed in music.
The vast first-floor space is divided into two sections—one filled with giant wooden CD cases and another slightly elevated area with tables and a stage. Jazz and bossa nova groups play nightly. The store specializes in rare Brazil-only and imported CDs, but downstairs is a long, narrow basement overflowing with obscure vinyl records.
The staff are incredibly knowledgeable on Brazilian sounds, from Samba, to chorinho, to Tropicalia. And they’re really friendly, and most speak English.
Modern Sound
Address: Rua Barata Ribeiro, 502 – D Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
Open: Mon-Fri 9:00-21:00 / Sat 9:00-20:00
Tel: +55 21 2548 5005
Text: Patrick Burns现代音响
地址:Rua Barata Ribeiro, 502 – D Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
时间:星期一至星期五 9:00-21:00/星期六 9:00-20:00
电话:+55 21 2548 5005