
© Osklen
リオデジャネイロはあまり落ち着いた街ではない。ジョギングをする人、歩行者、バレーボールプレイヤーでこの街は絶え間なく興奮し、地方から来た人達が短期間でとんぼ返りしてしまうような所だ。Rio de Janeiro is seldom at rest. In the city that constantly pulsates with joggers, pedestrians, and volleyball players, it seems that locals live in shorts and flip flops.オスクレンはこのスポーティーな感じをさりげなく、美しく要約したクロージングレーベルである。
住所:Rua Maria Quitéria 85, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro
TEL:+55 21 2227 2911
Text: Patrick Burns
The clothing label that best encapsulates this sporty casual aesthetic is Osklen.
The label was founded in 1989 by Oskar Metsavath, a mountain climber who was looking for heavier jackets to brave the cold. Fittingly, these days the clothes on display are more inspired by warm-weather sports, with stores boasting a wide selection of board shorts and swimwear. The color palette is full of white and light colors, and the shorts, tee shirts and tennis shoes are designed for outdoor use, probably in a tropical climate and near a beach.
Osklen has 41 stores across the world, including in Italy, USA, and Japan. But the flagship store in Ipanema sets the trend for the rest.
Address: Rua Maria Quitéria 85, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro
Tel: +55 21 2227 2911
Text: Patrick BurnsOsklen
地址:Rua Maria Quitéria 85, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro
电话:+55 21 2227 2911