
ネクストレベル・ギャラリーNextLevel Galerie

 Installation View, Asako Shimizu 'On Her Skin', Naruki Oshima 'haptic green', NextLevel Galerie, 2013 ® F. Kleinefenn

Installation View, Asako Shimizu 'On Her Skin', Naruki Oshima 'haptic green', NextLevel Galerie, 2013 ® F. Kleinefenn

Parisian NextLevel Galerie is settled in the Rue Charlot, in a beautiful hôtel particulier of the arty neighbourhood of Le Marais. Opened in 2009, NextLevel may be one of the younger galleries of the streetパリ屈指のアートスポットであるマレ地区、シャルロ通りの美しい邸宅内に、ネクストレベル・ギャラリーはある。2009年の創業、この界隈では若手とされるが、オーナーであるイザベル・メスニルの精力的活動によりたちまち、誠実かつ思い切りのよい仕事をするギャラリーとして定評を得た。ネクストレベル・ギャラリーの豊富な展示プログラムは、アートとデザインの間の表現様式に境界を設けず大胆にミックスしている。こうした偏見の無いセレクションは、 ギャラリーがある技法に特化したり、大抵の場合においてアートとデザインを明確に区別したりする傾向が依然として見られるパリにおいて、非常に際立っている。




NextLevel Galerie
住所:8 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris
TEL:+33 (0)1 4454 9088

Text: Valerie Dniaux
Translation: Marie Okamura
, but it has quickly succeeded in building a solid reputation of seriousness and audacity, thanks to the energy of its owner, Isabelle Mesnil. NextLevel’s rich program of exhibitions boldly mixes art and design, without any barrier between creative modes of expression. Such an open-minded selection rather stands out in Paris, where galleries still tend to specialize in a type of technique, and art and design are most often clearly separated.

Going beyond these limitations, Isabelle Mesnil rather puts a strong focus on presenting emerging and mid-career French or international artists whose work catch her interest, whatever their nationality and artistic tools. An exhibition like The Art of Chess was a perfect example of this desire to break boundaries, with eight chess sets created by some of the most influent artists of this time: Paul McCarthy, Barbara Kruger, Tunga, Tom Friedman, Matthew Ronay, Alastair Mackie, Rachel Whiteread and Tracey Emin.

The name of her gallery itself, NextLevel Galerie, rather clearly expresses the desire of Isabelle Mesnil to promote artists who are shaping the future of the international art and design scene. Nextlevel supports creators who don’t shy at “going further”, with tenacity and seriousness, but also sometimes with a dab of playfulness. The classy and roomy spaces of the gallery allow for the presentation of large scale works and installations, and the two separate rooms also permit the development of several universes in a same exhibition.

The gallery doesn’t limit its activities to its elegant Parisian address, and also regularly attends international art fairs, such as Unseen in Amsterdam (photo), Drawing now in Paris, Design Miami/Basel, YIA Art Fair (Paris, contemporary art) or Design Days in Dubai.

NextLevel Galerie
Address: 8 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00
Tel: +33 (0)1 4454 9088

Text: Valerie Dniaux

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