リブレリ・イヴォン・ランベールLibrairie Yvon Lambert

© Librairie Yvon Lambert
Librarie Yvon Lambert is a select bookstore located within the Yvon Lambert contemporary art gallery situated along the Rue Vieille du Temple in the Marais area of Paris. Opened in 2001ファッションブティックが立ち並ぶマレ地区のヴィエイユ・デュ・タンプル通り。そこに場所を構える「リブレリ・イヴォン・ランベール」。2001年にギャラリー「イヴォン・ランベール」の書店セクションとしてオープンされて以来、独自のセレクションで話題を集めている。
Librairie Yvon Lambert
住所:108 rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 Paris
営業時間:10:00~19:00(日曜 13:00~19:30)
TEL:+33 (0)1 4271 0933
Text and photo: Shotaro Okada, with fashion boutiques standing side by side, it attracts people’s attention due to its one of a kind selections.
In the store – which owner Bruno coordinates in every detail with exquisite sensitivity. We can see a wide range of selected items, from self-publishing zines to artist’s limited edition box sets. Besides books, they sell T-shirts, CD’s, as well as DVD’s and it’s fun to guess how items in the store relate each other. They also have a small copy of outstanding design magazines that you can’t find anywhere else.
Even though there are goods of many genres in the store, there is a consistent tone among all the items – probably due to Bruno treating every genre’s item equally, with his love and regard. The picture above is a corner that represents the natural atmosphere of the store. As if watering flowers, customers enjoy finding and reading books in a relaxed space.
Librairie Yvon Lambert
Address: 108 rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 Paris
Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Sunday 13:00-19:30)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +33 (0)1 4271 0933
Text and photo: Shotaro Okada
Translation: Yuji Shinfuku