
ロサンゼルス・カウンティ美術館Los Angeles County Museum of Art

© Weldon Brewster

© Weldon Brewster

About a million of visitors every year enjoy the exhibitions and programs at The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the largest art museum in the western United States. Since its inception in 1965毎年およそ100万人の訪問者が西アメリカで最大級の美術館、ロサンゼルス・カウンティ美術館(LACMA)の展覧会を楽しんでいる。1965年の設立から、LACMAは歴史と地理学の両方の分野でロサンゼルス独特の多様な住民を象徴するアート作品の収集に力を注いでいる。今日の美術館の大きな特徴は、敷地内のコンテンポラリーミュージアムと同様にアメリカン、ラテンアメリカン、ヨーロピアン、アメリカンアートを多く扱っていることである。




Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
住所:5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles
開館時間:11:00〜17:00(金曜日20:00まで, 土・日曜日10:00〜19:00)
入館料:一般 $25, シニア・学生 $10, 18以下無料
TEL:+1 323 857 6000

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Momoko M
, LACMA has been devoted to collecting works of art that span both history and geography-and represent Los Angeles’s unique diverse population. Today, the museum features particularly strong collections of Asian, Latin American, European, and American art, as well as a contemporary museum on its campus.

The museum diffuses the boundaries about the disciplines of contemporary art, just paying attention to the last year, its motley offer included the likes of Michelangelo, Stanley Kubrick, Hans Richter, Henri Matisse, David Smith or James Turrell. Then the museum has its own collections together with the Broad art Foundation. In addition, the museum presented a new initiative LACMA9 Art and Film Lab, which brings an array of interactive art and film programming to several communities in Southern California, providing an opportunity for the public to learn and experiment with these disciplines.

With this expanded space for contemporary art, and innovative collaborations with artists and ongoing Transformation project, LACMA is creating a truly modern lens through which to view its rich encyclopedic collection. The Transformation project revitalized the western half of the campus with a collection of buildings designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop. These include the Broad Contemporary Art Museum, a three-story 60,000 square foot space for the exhibition of postwar art that opened in 2008.

In fall of 2010, the Lynda and Stewart Resnick Exhibition Pavilion opened to the public, providing the largest purpose-built, naturally lit, open-plan museum space in the world, with a rotating selection of major exhibitions. Ray’s restaurant and Stark Bar opened in 2011, invigorating the central BP Pavilion near Chris Burden’s iconic Urban Light.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Address: 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 17:00 (Friday till 20:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 19:00)
Closed on Wednesday
Admission: General $25, Seniors & Students $10, Under 18 Free
Tel: +1 323 857 6000

Text: Victor Moreno

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